First Generation
1. John TODD was born about 1648. He died about 1689.
Johns wife was named Susannah.
John had the following children:
+ 2 M i. Samuel TODD was born on 9 Jul 1670.
Second Generation
2. Samuel TODD (John) was born on 9 Jul 1670 in Rowley, Mass...
his wife, Priscilla, was the widow of Nathaniel Bradstreet.
Samuel married Priscilla BRADSTREET daughter of Nathaniel BRADSTREET.
They had the following children:
+ 3 M i. Abner TODD was born on 12 Jul 1700. He died on 21 Apr 1737.
Third Generation
3. Abner TODD (Samuel, John) was born on 12 Jul 1700. He died on 21 Apr
Abner married Elizabeth WORCESTER on 19 Feb 1723. Elizabeth was born
estimated 1701 in Bradford Mass...
They had the following children:
+ 4 F i. Priscilla TODD was born on 16 Jan 1724.
Fourth Generation
4. Priscilla TODD (Abner, Samuel, John) was born on 16 Jan 1724 in
Priscilla married Abraham FOSTER son of Abraham FOSTER and Sarah
DUNNELL on 10 May 1744. Abraham was born on 4 May 1719 in Topsfield,
Mass... He died on 27 Oct 1796 in Keene, NH.
Abraham and Priscilla had the following children:
+ 5 M i. Abijah FOSTER was born on 12 Sep 1762. He died on 2 Apr 1822.
Fifth Generation
5. Abijah FOSTER (Priscilla TODD, Abner, Samuel, John) was born on 12
Sep 1762 in Topsfield, Mass... He died on 2 Apr 1822 in Keene, NH.
Abijah married Artemesia BLAKE daughter of Dr. Obidiah BLAKE and
Zipporah HARRIS on 16 Feb 1797 in Topsfield, Mass.. Artemesia was born
on 5 Dec 1765 in Keene, NH. She died on 8 Jan 1837 in Clarendon, NY.
They had the following children:
+ 6 F i. Harriette FOSTER was born on 12 Jun 1805. She died on 18 Jan
Sixth Generation
6. Harriette FOSTER (Abijah FOSTER, Priscilla TODD, Abner, Samuel,
John) was born on 12 Jun 1805 in Keene, NH. She died on 18 Jan 1872 in
Clarendon, Orleans County, New York.
Harriette married Mortimer Delville MILLIKEN son of (Edward?) Alexander
MILLIKEN and Julia BIXBY on 17 May 1836. Mortimer was born on 11 May
1805 in Peterboro, NH. He died on 5 Feb 1900 in Clarendon, Orleans
County, New York.
He early entered the store of A. Haskins as clerk, where he remained
until his majority.
He was soon after appointed executor of the estate of an uncle which
made it necessary
to go to Georgia, where he disposed of the "Woodbine Plantation". What
he saw while in
the south made him a strong anti-slavery man. After his return to the
north he became a
partner in a large store in Keene. He decided in 1840, to remove to the
then "far west", and
drove with a horse and chaise 400 miles and took up land in Clarendon,
N. Y. and
that was his home until his death. Mr. Milliken was a man of sterling
integrity, energetic
in business, of a kindly and geniel disposition, so that he was
respected and beloved by
all who knew him. On account of curtain doctrinal beliefs he never
united with any church,
but was a devout student of the Bible, a strict observer of the
sabbath, and one who
sought reverently to do the will of God. Politically, he was a strong
Republican, always
taking active interest in the success of the party. For 2 years in 1861
and 62 he was supervisor
of Clarendon. He was under the care of his son George, who always lived
on the homestead,
and from him received the most dutiful attention. The funeral was
attended by a large circle
of relatives friends and neighbors, who by their presence and kindly
words, testified
to the esteem they held the departed. His place of birth could have
been Keene, NH.
Mortimer and Harriette had the following children:
+ 7 M i. William Delville MILLIKEN was born on 1 Mar 1837. He died on
29 Jun 1887.
8 M ii. George Ashley MILLIKEN was born on 29 Jun 1839 in Keene, NH.
Lived at the homestead at Clarendon and did not marry.
+ 9 F iii. Mary Julia MILLIKEN was born on 17 Jul 1847. She died on 18
Feb 1929.
+ 10 F iv. Sarah Artemisia MILLIKEN was born on 18 Sep 1849.
Seventh Generation
7. William Delville MILLIKEN (Harriette FOSTER, Abijah FOSTER,
Priscilla TODD, Abner, Samuel, John) was born on 1 Mar 1837 in Keene,
NH. He died on 29 Jun 1887.
William enlisted in the 4th N. Y. Heavy Arty, In Aug 1862, transferred
with rank of 2nd Lieut.
to 22nd U. S. Colored Regt., and served to the war, mustered out Dec
1865, as 1st. Lieut.
Returned home shattered and in ill health.
William married Jennie NASON on 17 Jan 1867. Jennie was born on 1 May
1846 in New London, Conn..
They had the following children:
11 M i. Delville Henry MILLIKEN was born on 16 Oct 1867 in Bridgeport,
MO. He died on 22 Sep 1889.
+ 12 F ii. Hattie Belle MILLIKEN was born on 5 May 1869.
13 F iii. Laura L. MILLIKEN was born on 25 Apr 1871 in Buncombe, Mo..
Lived with her mother in Buffalo, NY.
+ 14 F iv. Edguilla Katherine MILLIKEN was born on 23 Feb 1873.
9. Mary Julia MILLIKEN (Harriette FOSTER, Abijah FOSTER, Priscilla
TODD, Abner, Samuel, John) was born on 17 Jul 1847 in Clarendon, NY.
She died on 18 Feb 1929 in Canandaigua, New York. The cause of death
was Old Age.
Resource: (1) Cook Family Bible; Resource (2): Grave stone at Hillside
Cemetery in Holly, Orleans
County, NY.
Mary married Dallas Dudley COOK son of Dewitt Clinton COOK and Celestia
Cynthia BURR on 30 Dec 1875 in Claredon, Orleans Co., NY. Dallas was
born on 25 Dec 1844 in Clarendon, NY. He died on 8 Sep 1917 in Ontario
County, New York. He was buried in Hillside Cemetary in Holly, NY.
Born at Clarendon he was a teacher and taught in the schools of the
town for several years. He was
also a farmer and a carpenter and worked along side his father. His
wifes family came from Keene,
NH in an open buggy. The Milliken farm was at lot 175 on Upper Holley
Road a short distance south
of Dewitt's farm. Both children were born at Clarendon. He is burried
at Holly, NY. He was baptised
at age 29 in the Methodist Episcopal Church by Pastor Henry Woods.
Resource: (1) Cook Family Bible;
Resource (2): Grave stone at Hillside Cemetery in Holly, Orleans
County, NY.
Dallas and Mary had the following children:
+ 15 M i. Dr. Arthur Mortimer COOK was born on 22 Mar 1877. He died on
5 Apr 1957.
16 F ii. Orline Sarah COOK was born on 16 Jan 1887 in Clarendon,
Orleans County, NY. She died about Oct 1948 in Canandaigua, Ontario
County, New York. She was buried in Hillside Cemetary in Holly, NY..
Never Married. Taught Piano. Lived in Canandaigua on Park Street.
10. Sarah Artemisia MILLIKEN (Harriette FOSTER, Abijah FOSTER,
Priscilla TODD, Abner, Samuel, John) was born on 18 Sep 1849 in
Claredon, NY.
Sarah married Frank H. MARTIN on 17 Sep 1879. Frank was born on 17 Oct
A merchant in Oakfield, NY.
see "Saco Valley Settlements and Families" by Rev. Gideon T. Ridlon,
Sr. 1895.
Frank and Sarah had the following children:
17 M i. Grover Henry MARTIN was born on 28 Mar 1883. He died on 8 Jul
18 F ii. Mildred Grace MARTIN was born on 19 Mar 1885.
lived in Hollis, NY
Mildred married Charles MCCRUM .
See Milliken, Foster and Blake families for more details.