The Orleans Baptist Church


Not sure where the notes below came from.


The Following pictures were supplied by Joyce Hollenbeck Gleason,
Formerly from Orleans



left to right Karen Van Campen, Tony Van Campen, Bobby Bruce, Charlie Rouse?, Jean Treese, Elva Bruce, Henry Shekell,
Walter Edmon, Bobby Treese I,m not sure these names are all correct, someone may know better

The old church which burned in 1910 fire
Burr is second from left middle row with the hair, My sister Mary Ann is
two to the right of me and my sister Peg is middle back row. On my left is
Joyce Hollenbeck. On the extreme right is Anthony DeJohn who I beleive
lived with the Beale family.

Combined Phelps and Orleans Baptist Church Picnic at SenecaPark in Geneva,
I see my Parents. Don't know the others. My mother is carrting a baby which is
most likely me (Burr). I am sure my older brother and sisters are there.


return to Orleans


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