Major Elijah Murray
Cem. Lot 13
Major Elijah Murray, b. -1756 d. -28 Jun 1816 age 60 yrs.
Mary, Consort, b. -1768 d. -24 Jun 1811 age 43 yrs.
Church Records
Sophia Murray, An Early member
William Murray, Ex. 27 Apr 1831
John Murray, Ex. 8 Dec 1831 Dis. 30 Apr 1832
Sophia R. Murray, Ex. "
Peggy R. Murray, Ex. " Dis. 29 Dec 1838
Maurice Murray, Ex. " Dis. 16 Jan 1838
Joel Murray, Ex. 4 Sep 1836 Dis. 19 Apr 1840
Harriet Murray,
William Murray
Cem. Lot 11
William D.Murray b. -1785 died -Feb 6 1827 age 42 yrs.
Peggy, wife of Wm. D. b. -1789 died -Jan 16 1808 age 19 yrs.
Spencer, son of Wm. D. and Sophia, died Aug 1827 age 3 yrs.
Elijah, son of Wm. D. and Sophia, died at age 9 mos.
Major Elijah Murray 1756-1816. A Revolutionary War soldier. Wife Mary
1768-1811, came from Pittsfield, Mass. to Hopewell in 1798, and settled
on Sect 42. where previously the Bodman Family had lived. See Cem. Lot
26. William D. Murray was one of their sons,1785-l827. Wiiiiam's 1st
wife Peggy died at the age of 19. His 2nd wife was Sophia Russell, and
may have been the daughter of Deacon Russell, (See Cem. Lot 5.) for
they were neighbors. Their daughter Sophia Murray, born 1817, married
in 1838 John H. Benham. Among their several children were Murray Benham
and Ebenezar Benham who married Hattie H. Case and were the parents of
Case Benham and his sister Ruth Benham Noblock, now living in
A daughter of Major Murray was Eliza 0.1797-1886, who married David
w. Beech,1796-1889. See Beech Records, also Cone Records.
I remember the Major Murray home on the Hopewell Center Rd. It must
have been a nioe house in its day, but it now has long since gone
From "History of Ontario Co." by Conover on p. 109/10:"The first Court
House of Ont.. Co. was built during the year 1794 by Elijah Murray and
was used until 1824 as the Court House. Then it was moved from the
north east corner of the Public Square to the corner of Main and Cross
Streets where it was used as the Town Hall and Post Office. Later moved
to Couch Street where used as a store-house. The "Cod Fish" once on its
spire is now in Wood Library or rather the Museum."
My records state that Elijah Murray came to Hopewell in 1798 while the
Court House was built in 1794. Sometirnes these pioneers came to the
new country, staying a tirne to get established before bringing on
their families, or often in copying, dates get changed, But the fact
remains that Elijah Murray built the first Court House in Ontario Co.
Parts of that building are now a part of the Grange Hall.
Major Elijaj Murray was a soldier in the Revolution.
Cem. Lot 43
Erasmus C. son of Enoch & Clarissa Noble d. -1814
Olive E., dau of Enoch & Clarissa b. -1814 died -15 Sept 1816
Miranda, dau of Enoch & Clarissa, b. -1820 died -May 31
1822, age 2-3-20
Children of E. & C. Noble (double stone) d. -3 Sep 1815
Olive Tracy, b. -1785 d. -13 Feb 1813, age 28 yrs.
Aaron Olmstead
Cem. Lot 63
Phebe K., wife of Aaron, b. -1800 died -Nov 25 1871, age 71 yrs.
Isaac Onderdunk or Underdunk
Cem. Lot 82
No Records for Isaac.
S. Payne
Cem. Lot 67
No Records.
Parsonage Lot
Cem. Lot 3
Jane Pierpont, b. -1815 see Pierpont below
Julien Pierpont, b. -1817 "
Church Records:
Mary Pierpont, By Letter, -5 May 1833 Dis. -26 Apr 1836
Julia Ann (Julian), " " " died -1834
James Pierpont, " " " Dis. -26 Apr 1835
Harriet Pierpont, Ex. -5 Jan 1834 Dis. "
Cem. Lot 7
M. Nathan Phelps, died -Dec 29 1827, age 78 yrs.
Hannah, wife of M. Nathan, died -Nov 22 1845, age 86 yrs.
Phebe Ann, dau. of Seymour & Ann, died -May 1834, age 11 yrs. 6
See Zalmon Smith Records. I believe Nathan & Hannah were the
parents of Rebecca, the wife of Andrew Smith. If so the Phelps were
from Stratford, Conn. and located on the Turnpick across from the
Birdseye home, and were among the early pioneers. They were there
before 1800.
Jane, dau of Rev. H. B. and Mary Pierpont, died Apr 1833, age 18 yrs.
Julian, son of Rev. H. B. and Mary Pierpont, died Nov 1834, age 17 yrs.
(one source says Julien, dau. and another source says Julian son.)
Deacon Jacob S. PICKLE
Cem. Lot 42
Deacon Jacobus S. Pickle, b. -1793 died -May 28 1849, age
56 yrs.
Mary, wife of Jacobus, b. -1797 died -Jan 7 1859, age 62 yrs.
William, (no Record)
Emma M., wife of William, b. -1826 died -May 4 1849, age 23 yrs.
Josephine, dau of Wm. & Emma, b. -1848 died -Mar 4 1849,
age 8 mos.
Church Records:
Jacob S. Pickle, By letter, -31 Dec 1836 Elder -1846
Mary Pickle, " " "
Maria Pickle, Ex. -Nov 1837 Dis. Joined Meth. Ch.
William Pickle, Ex. -4 May 1838 Dis. " Bapt. Ch.
Jeremiah Pickle Ex. " Dis. -Sep 1845
Cem. Lot 83
May Pitt died -Sept 29 1869, age 66 yrs. 2 mos. 21 days.
John Polhamus, b. -1787 died -Mar 16 1831, age 44 yrs.
Church Records
Daniel Polhamus, Ex. -13 Jan 1833 Dis. 12 Jun 1835
Eliza (Eiza) Polhamus Ex. " Dis. "
Daniel Howard, son of Bro. and Sis. Polhamus, Bapt. -31 Dec 1833
Eliza came from Amsterdam.
Dr. Jonathan PRATT
Cem. Lot 64
Dr. Jonathan Pratt, Jr. b. -1801 died -Mar 18 1880, age 79 yrs.
Julia Ann, wife of Dr. J. and dau of Andrew and Rebecca Smith, b. -1807
died -Sep 13 1838, age 31 yrs.
Charles Corydon, son of Jonathan & Julia Ann, b. -1831
died -Mar 20 1832, age 7 mos.
Andrew Smith Pratt, son b. -1832 d. -28 Nov 1863, age 31 yrs.
Julianna Rebecca, dau. b. -1838 d. -28 Nov 1838, age 3 mos.
Minerva S. Slover, 2nd wife of Dr. Jonathan, died -Sep 10 1887, age 70
Charles Corydon, son b. -1844 d. -10 Feb 1877, age 26 yrs.
Cornelia Helen, Dau. b. -19 May 1847 d. -26 Feb 1875, age 26 yrs.
(married Andrew Brizzee)
Lewis Pratt, son of Carlton F. Pratt d. age 2 yrs.
Carlton F. Pratt
Cem. Lot No. ?
James Carlton Pratt, son of Carlton F. Pratt, b. -1897 d. -10 May 1933
on stone with Carlton F.
Carlton F., b. -1864 d. -19 Nov 1936
(son of Dr. and Minerva)
The first member of this Pratt family to America, settled in Rochester
Mass. near Buzzard's Bay. He had four sons : Jabish, Jonathan, James
and David.
James had seven children one of which was Jonathan who come to live in
Kingsbury, N. Y. (Near Glen's Falls). He married Polly McClure, dau. of
joseph McClure of Halifax, Vt. by whom he had nine children. This
family moved into the Genesee Country in 1802. One of the sons was
Jonathan Pratt, Jr. B-Jan. 21,1801 at Kingsbury and came as a baby with
his parents to Rushville, N.Y. in Apr. of l802.
On Dec. 3O,l83O he married Julia Ann Smith, dau. of the pioneers Andrew
and Rebecca Phelps Smith who had settled on the Turnpike across from
The Joseph Birdseye place (See Zolmon Smith and the Nathan Phelps
records) Jonathan Pratt,Jr. was a practicing physician. After death of
his wife, Julia Ann, he married Minerva Slover of Amsterdam, N.Y. They
had three children; Gharles Corydon, Cornelia Helen and Carlton F.
Carlton F. Pratt married Ida Dubois, living on the Turnpike near
Canandaigua. Their children were Lewis, James Carlton, Evelyn and
Gertrude. Lewis died as a baby; James lived into his thirties when he
died; Eve1yn married ? Stone and Gertrude also
married. Both girls now living in or near Batavia.
After Carley(Carlton) lost his wife he and James lived in the old
Smith-Pratt home alone. Three years after James death the house caught
fire and burned and Carley also lost his life in the fire. The farm was
later sold to Emmett Finigan,Jr. who now also owns the Joseph Birdseye
farm, across the road.
Joel Pratt
Cem. Lot 29
Joel, b. -1779 died -May 18, 1838, age 59 yrs.
Hannah, wife, b. -1791 died Apr 9 1850, age 59 yrs.
Henry C., son of Joel & Hannah b. -1825
died at Santa Cruz WI. -Mar 3 1846, age 21 yrs.
Burrage Rice, son of Joel & Hannah, died Galesburg IL.
-May 23 1860, age 32 yrs.
Ralph C., son of Joel & Hannah, b. -1823 died -Dec 5 1871,
age 48 yrs.
Phebe R., 1st wife of Harvey and dau of James Birdseye, b. -1818
died -Apr 12 1850, age 32 yrs;
Harvey, oldest son of Joel, b. -1817 died -June 9 1887, age 70
The Joel Pratt ramily were not related to the Dr. Jonathan Pratt
tamily. The Joel Pratt tamily lived on Sect.22, about 5 miles east of
Canandaigua on the turnpike, and in their day theirs was the prettiest
and most homey place around. As a child I always looked forward to our
passing it and hoping that their peacocks might spread their tails for
us to see. The house still stands but so much changed in every way, in
its appearance and grounds that it is far from the same.
Harvy Pratt 1817-1887, had five children: Henry, Elizabeth, Anna,
Jean(Puss) and ? · Puss was a strong supporter of our Cemetery
Association in its beginning. They later went to Calif. to live but are
buried in Woodlawn Cem. Canandaigua. One of the girls married an
Englishman and lived in England for a time.
Anna R. Pratt, a dau. of Joel, married a Joshua Pratt of Sherbourne,
N.Y. Their dau. Carrie E. also of Sherbourne is the giver of the R.R.
Bond to our Cemetery Association.
From Pratt history as written by Dr. Jonathan Pratt, Jr.
father of Carlton F. Pratt.
A short history of the Pratt family that moved from Mass. to Vermont
sometime in the latter part of the 17th or the first of the 18th
The Pratt family said to be of Welch origin and the first members of
the family to this country, landed in Boston after a long voyage and a
ship wreck in which several passengers were lost. The men of this
family were characterized by being of medium height, broad chests and
hips, dark skin and black eyes, supposed to be of Celtic extraction,
but have since so intermingled with the Teutanic race by marriage that
many of them little resemble their ancestors.
The Christian name of this first member in the new world is unknown,
but he settled in Rochester, Mass. (Near Buzzard's Bay.)He had four
sons: Jabish, Jonathan,(2) James, and David.
(2)James had seven children: Elisha, (3)James, Jonathan, David, Lucy
and Hannah.
(3)Eliaha of Halifax and Paulet, Vermont, married Lucy Thatcher. rn,
They had nine children : Nathan, (4)Jonathan, James, Elisha, Elijah,
Sally, Dorcas, Polly and Betsey.
(4) Jonathan, Sr. of Kingsbury, N.Y.(Near Glen's Falls .)married Polly
McClure, dau. of Joseph McClure of Halifax,Vermont, by whom he had nine
children : Ira, David, Amos, (5)Jonathan, John, Susannah, Lucy,and
Polly. They moved into the Genesee Country in April 1802. Then a
wilderness, they endured the hardships incident to the new country. He
was a Revolutionary soldier and was present at the surrender of
Burgoine at Saratoga. He died at his residence in Rushville, N.Y. (His
home was the 1st house south from the bridge, on the east side.) August
9,1847 at the age of 87. He was buried in the burying-ground one and
one-half miles south of Rushville. He was one of the kindest and best
of fathers.
(5)Jonathan Pratt, Jr. born Jan. 21,1801 in Kingsbury, N.Y. and came as
a baby to Rushville with his parents in April 1802. Dec. 1,1830 he
married Julia Ann Smith of Hopewell, Ont. Co. N.Y.
Elisha and Reuben Pratt of Gorham and Canandaigua were descended from
(3)Elisha, son of Elisha, and father of (4)Jonathan. Their sister
Fanny, married H.C.Lucas of Canandaigua. Another sister,Dorcas, married
Nathan Loomis of Potter,Yates Co. N.Y.
Minor Pratt, son of James, brother of Jonathan(4) was educated at
Middlebury College at Andover, Mass. for the ministry. He married and
settled as a Presbyterian minister. The three sons of David, uncle of
(4)Jonathan, were all physicians.
For remainder of this history see Zalmon Smith history.
Cem. Lot 44
Eveline, dau. of Benj. & Catharine, died Oct 20 1852 age 17 yrs. 8
Cem. Lot 73
Jane Boyd, wife of James, d. -Jul 8 1846,
Sarah Corson, b. -1806 d. -1836
Esther, b. -1829 d. -1847
Cem. Lot 74
Pamelia, dau. of John & Mary, d. -Sep 27 1859, age 38 yrs.
Cem. Lot 71
Flora, dau of George & Alta, d. -July 1844, age 1 yr.
Laura, wife of Samuel, d. -Aug 20 1820, age 33 yrs,
Church Records
Dr. John Rogers and wife, Laura A. came from Mt. Pleasant, Wis. Later
joined Cong. Ch. in Canandaigua.
Cyntha Rogers went to Amity, N.Y. I have heard my mother speak of Sam
and Cyntha Rogers.
James W. Root
Cem. Lot 68
James W., b. -1824 d. -Mar 23 1842, age 18 yrs.
Cem. Lot 5
Deacon John, b. -1747 d. -Oct 27 1813, age 66 yrs.
Hannah, wife of John, b. - 1750 d. -Mar 31 1837, age 87 yrs.
The Russels came to Hopewell in 1800 and settled where the Ennerdale
Station was, on Sect. 44. William D. Murray's wife was their dau.
Sophia, 1789-1869.
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