Resource Charles Burr Todd
Jehue arrived in the New World via the Winthrop Fleet in early 1630. He has
many prominent descendants including Govenor and Vice President Aaron
Burr. He first settled in Roxbury, Mass and was admitted a freeman in 1632.
He appears as a member of the Church in Roxbury in 1635 about the time he
was made overseer of bridges in the Boston area. He appeared in March, 1635
in general court involved in a dispute with a Mr. Drummer over Drummer's
swine damaging Juhue's corn crop.
Hearing from the Indians of good quality land to the west, he, along
William Pynchon and six other men made the several day journey to Agawam
(now Springfield) in the year 1636. ; the men on foot; women and children on
According to the Early History of Springfield - New England Historical and
Genealogical Register by Stearns - an agreement was made for the purchase of
the muck land known as Agawam or Agaam. The agreement was between William
Pynchon, Henry Smith and Jehue Burr and the Indians, Cuttomus, his Mother
Kewenesek, wife of Wenarois, and Wianum wife of Coa.
The deed was signed and an agreement consisting of 14 articles was made
between the early settlers. The following abstract is preserved in the Genealogical
Register. The abstract dated May 14, 1636 follows :
"We, whose names are underwritten, being by God's providence engaged together
to make a Plantation at and over against Agawam, upon Connecticut, doe mutually
agree to certayne articles and orders to be observed and kept by us, and by our
successors, except well and every of us, for ourselves, and in our own persons,
shall think meet upon better reasons to alter our resolutions.
1ly. Wee intend, by God's grace, as soone as we can with all convenient speede,
to procure some Godly and faithful minister, with whom we purpose to joyne in
Church Covenant to walke in all the ways of Christ.
2]y. Wee intend that our town shall be composed of fourty families, or if we think
meet after to alter our purpose, yet not to exceede fifty families, riche and poore.
31y. That every inhabitant shall have a common portion for a house-lot, as we
shall see meet for every one's quality and estate.
4ly. That every one that hath a house-lot, shall have a portion of the cow-pasture
to ye North of Endbrooke, lyinge northward from the towne, and also that every
one shall have a share of the hassokey marsh over against his lot, if it be to be
had, and every one to have his portionable share of all the
5ly. That every one shall have a share of the meddowe, or plantinge ground,
over against them as nigh as may be, on the Agaam side
6ly. That the long meddowe called Massacksick, lyinge in the way to Dorchester,
shall be distributed to every man as we shall think meet, except we shall find other
conveniency for some, for their much cattayle, and other
cattayle also.
7ly. That the meddow and pasture called Nagas, toward Pawtucket, on ye side of
Agaam, lyinge about four miles above in the river, shall be distributed to every
man as above said in ye former order, and this was altered with consent before
ye hands were set to it.
[Article 8th relates to the raising of taxes.]
9ly. That, Whereas Mr. William Pynchon, Jehue Burr, and Henry Smith have
continued to prosecute this plantation, when others fell off for fear of the difficulties,
and continued to prosecute the same at great charges, and at great personal
adventure-therefore it is mutually agreed that forty acres of meddow, lyinge on
the south of Endbrooke, under a hill-side, shall belong to the sd. Parties, free
from all charges forever; that is to say, twenty acres to Mr. William Pynchon,
and his heirs and assigns forever, and ten acres to Jehue Burr, and ten acres
to Henry Smith, and to their heirs and assigns forever, which said forty acres
is not disposed to them as any allotment of town lands, but they are to have their
accommodation in all other places notwithstanding.
[Article 10th fixes the tax to be laid upon those who should join the settlers at a
later day.]
11ly. It is agreed that no man except Mr. Pynchon shall have above ten acres
for his house-lot.
[Articles 12, 13, and i4 refer to the distribution of the land among actual settlers.]"
The above was signed by the seven first settlers of Agawam, which they considered
to be in CT rather than Mass. Wm. Pynchon appears as Deputy and Jehue as
Collector of Rates (Taxes) for the plantation. There were four such settlements in CT
at the time; Hartford, Windsor, Wethersfield and Agawam. The collectors were
respectfully; Wm. Wadsworth, Henry Wolcott, Andrew Ward and Jehue Burr.
After 8 yrs. in Agawam he removed to Fairfield -to stay- and he represented Fairfield
at the General Court from 1645.
As erarly as I643 commissioners had been appointed by the New England colonies
for the founding and maintenance of good schools and other places of learning in their
midst, and in 1666 a plan was presented for a generall contribution for the mayntenance
of poore scollers at Cambridge College." The commissioners referred it to the several
general courts as " a matter worthy of due consideration and entertainment,'' and it
was so considered at the October session of the General Court of Connecticut, which
ordered " that the proposition concerning the scollers at Cambridge, made by the sd.
Commissioners, is confirmed, and it is ordered that two men shall be appoynted in
every Town within this jurisdiction, who shall demand what every family will give,
and the same to be gathered and brought into some room in March, and this to
continue yearely as yt shall be considered by ye
The men appointed to this praiseworthy work for Uncowau" (Fairfield) were
Jehu Burr and Ephraim Wheeler. In 1660 he was appointed grand juror with twelve
other important men of the colony, and as such, ordered by the General Court " to
inquire into, and consider of ye misdemeanors and breaches of ye orders of this
Colony, and present all offences to ye next Particular Court."'
The succeeding May he was appointed, commissioner for Fairfield, and ordered
to repair to a magistrate and take the oath. He was reappointed May 12, 1664, and
again in 1668, with Wm. Hill as associate. This was his last public service, as later
mention of the name in the records refers undoubtedly to his son Jehu. But little is
found of him in the town records of Fairfield now extant. These records, for the first
fifteen or twenty years after its settlement, are very fragmentary, niany having been burned
by the British in the war of the Revolution. There is, however, in vol. i., p.147, a record of
a land grant to Henry Jackson, signed by Jehu Burr, Commissioner, and dated March 18,
1671. Also p. 202, same vol., this entry, "Jehu Burr having held quiet possession of his
house lot for fifteen years, it is granted him." Also, same date, John Burr received a
deed from his father, Jehu Burr.
As the founder of an important and honored family, it would be interesting to know the
circumstances of his death, and his place of burial. Careful search, however, fails to
discover either. We know that he died some time in 1672, from an entry on p.238, vol. i.,
Fair. Records, Jan. 12, 1673, which mentions John Burr as receiving twenty-seven
acres of land by will of his father.*
No vestiges of his grave remain. The head-stones of the earlier settlers were of
exceedingly rude construction, apparently quarried by the relatives of the deceased
before there was any regular stone-cutter in the place, and bore only the initials of the
dead and the date of decease. But few of these remain, and they are so defaced
by the lapse of time and the action of the weather as to be almost illegible.
He was probably buried in the old Fairfield burial-ground, or in that at Stratfield,
where many of his more immediate descendants repose. We have no record of
his marriage, nor of the maiden name of his wife. He left four sons: Jehu, probably
born in England, John, Daniel, and Nathaniel, all of whom became the fathers of
families, and lived and died in Fairfidd. No will or distribution of property is found.
* In an article in the N. E. Hist. and Gen. Reg., vol. v., p.472, the late Sylvester
Judd. Esq., of Northampton, Mass., a careful and painstaking genealogist, places his
death in 1650, but a careful search of the Fairfield records (as well as the opinions of
other genealogists) places his death at a much later period.
Major John Burr (c1633-1694)
John lived most of his life in Fairfield CT. His will was dated 19 Mar 1694 and
admitted to probate 6 Nov 1694. Invy. same date. He was prominent in the colony.
He was made a freeman in 1664. Received public office of Deputy (Fairfield) in
1666 and several times thereafter. Appointed Commissioner (Fairfield) in 1679.
In 1690 he took his seat as Senator and magistrate for the colony. Major Burr was
one of the Magistrates presiding, along with Governor Robert Treat and several
others, over a Witchcraft trial. The accused was Mercy Desborough. She was
found guilty and sentenced to death. Evidently the sentence was never carried out
as she was living in 1707 when she was appointed administrator of her deceased
husbands will. He was a Major in the French and Indian war of 1812 and he is
referred to as Colonel in the Fairfield records.
Daniel Burr Abt 1639
May 15, 1668, he bought of Andrew Ward one corner lot with all the appurtenances
thereto belonging: at the same time he received a grant of 13 acres from the town,
and also bought several parcels of land; in 1681 he exchanged with the town 2
parcels of land and bought a large tract; in 1683 he again appears as a large
purchaser of land.
His long lot was separated from Nathaniel's by Burr's highway, and was 24 rods,
23 links in width.
Nathaniel Burr (1640-1712)
removed to Fairfield. Made freeman in 1664 in Fairfield. Constable in 1669.
Rep. Oct., 1692, March, 1693, Oct., 1693, Feb., 1694, Oct., 1695. Petitioned
Gen. Court Oct.14, 1697, as adm. on estate of Eliphalet Hill, for permission to
sell lands of the estate sufficient to pay lawful debts.
He bad several grants of land from the town as follows: "Feb.12, 1669, a
parcel of land in Fairfield, being in quantity 12 acres, 32 rods, be it more or less,
bounded on the west and north with highways, and on the south, with land of ------,
and on the east, with common land." Jan. 6, 1673, " Nathaniel Burr purchased 4
parcels of land, and was granted 14 acres by the town." May, 1682, he received a
grant of land in the old Indian field and bought 5 parcels. Nov.23, 1694, he deeded
to Daniel Silliman I parcel of meaddw land, in quantity 2 acres, more or less,
bounded on the southeast by land of Daniel Burr, etc. These are the on]y
mentions of his name in the Fairfield town records. His long lot was the 38th
from the Stratford line, and fronted on what is known as Burr's highway; it was
26 rods, I link in width.
His will dated 22 feb 1712 was proved 5 Mar 1712. Adm. app. on his widow
Ann's est., 7 Nov 1721.
Daniel and Abigail contested the will, and the estate was not distributed until 1751.
Daniel, Ellen, and Deborah were then deceased, leaving heirs. No will is found. Jnvy.
presented Nov. 5, 1695 His w. Abigail's estate dis. Jan. 25, 1722. The following is a
part of the inventory of his estate:
Imprimis. The wearing apparel
Arms and ammunition £4, hooks £1
Plate prized as money
Lookinglass £1, bed, bedstead and curtains
Flock bed trundle bedstead and curtains
Bed : bedstead beding and coverlids
Cupboard and cushions
Great table and carpet £1 55, chairs, stools, cushions £4
Earthen ware, glass bowl and a little white sugar
Feather bed, bedstead, curtains and valence, bedding, pillows
Gold rainmarker 12s, sheets £2 9s 6d
A set of roller curtains £2 5s, pillow covers £3 6s 6d
Table linen £11. A cushion and cushion stuff 10s
An old table and parcel of swingled flax
Chests £2 15s, a basket and woolen wheel
A parcel of sheeps wool 15s, woolen yarn and tow yarn
Butter and cheese £1 18s, a Parcel of tallow 5s 6d
A pair of andirons; trammels, pots, and fire tongs
Chaff bed, bedstead and bedding £3, curtains and sheets
Old flock bed 15s, feather bed, bolster and two pillows
A parcel of tanned leather and flaxseed
Old casks, 2 sieves, a dusk wheat meal trough
Old bedstead, old chairs, 2 spinning wheels ·
Box iron, weights, scales, pewter platters
Candlesticks, saltcellar, quart pots and flagon
Old pewter basons and porringers
Elves stool, gridiron, clothing, iron frying pan
Iron pots and collections of skillets
Waterpails, trenchers, spoons, 2 platters, wooden ware
Warming pan, pestle and mortar and old iron.
As it is believed by the descendants of Col. John, that he was the son of
Major John Burr, the following proofs of his identity as the son of Nathaniel
are adduced. There were, in 1705, but two John Burrs in F., the son of Major
John and the son of Nathaniel. By referring to the former's will it will be seen
that he entailed his houses, house-lot, etc., to his eldest son John, and to his
natural male heirs forever. Apr. 29, 1708, the administrators on the estate
of John Burr (dec. in 1705) returned an account of their administration to a
Prerogative Court of that date, which found an estate of L1,146 11s. 3d.,
clear and dividable, and which the Court ordered divided as follows: "There
being one son namely, Andrew, and three daus., Mary, Ann and Elizabeth,
the said son to have a double portion, and the daus. to have equal and single
portions of the said estate." Against this decision Moses Dimon, guardian of
Andrew Burr, minor son of John Burr, of Fairfield, dec., appealed to a Court of
Assistants, held at Hartford, May 8, 1708, and Mr. Peter Burr appeared before
this Court, and was admitted attorney for the said Moses Dimon, and
declared the reason of his said appeal to be because the said order and
decree (I. e., of the Prerogative Court) doth direct to a distribution of certain
housing and lands in Fairfield, as part of the estate of the sd. dec., which do
of right belong to the said Andrew Burr, minor by force of the last will and
testament of his grand-father, Major John Burr, dec., and are therefore no
part of the dis. estate of the said John Burr, &c.," and the Court decided that
the said houses and lands did belong of right to the said Andrew, and should
not be distributed. This proves the f. of Andrew to have been the s. of Major
John Burr. Again, dis. of the estate of Jonathan, s. of Major John Burr, in 1727,
is made to the heirs, and legal reps. of his brother, John Burr, dec., although
Col. John lived until 1750; and, further, Major (afterward Col.) John Burr was
appointed executor of the will of his brother, Daniel, son of Nathaniel, in 1722,
and appeared before the court June 25, 1722, and declared his acceptance
of the trust.
These proofs it is believed are conclusive.' He m. about 1696, Delborah,* dau.
of John and Abigail Lockwood Barlow, b. 1674.
HE was a son of Nathaniel Burr (?)and grandson of Jehu Burr the first. of the
earlier members of the family none seem so intimately connected with the present
generation as does Col. Burr. Old men still point out the limits of his farm, the site
of his house, and of the old oak under which he bought his lands of the Indian
Sagamores; and until 1874, a great-granddaughter was living, who retained many
pleasing and vivid recollections of her grandsire. He was born in May, 1673, and
held his first public office in the Colony in 1704, during Queen Anne's war, as
Commissary of the County. The Commissary, it is proper to note, was an officer to
whom varied and arduous duties were entrusted. He was to take and keep fair
accounts of all public charges which should arise in his county by reason of the
war, and to provide for the soldiers engaged in the public service. He was also to
send orders to the several towns, to provide two pounds of "biskett" for every listed
soldier of such town, which was to be made of the county's wheat received for
rates; but if there was none of this in the country, then wheat was to be impressed
on a warrant from an Assistant or Justice. He was further expected to have such
a stock of supplies on hand that in case of a sudden call to arms the public safety
should not be endangered thereby.
At the next Court, in May, 1704, he appears as Deputy from Fairfield, and was
continued in this office Oct., 1705, May, 1708, (perhaps in the interim, the Journal
of the House for this time being lost,) May, 1710, Aug., 1710, May, 1711, June, 1711,
May, 1712, Oct., 1713, May, 1713, Oct., 1714, May, 1717, Oct., 1718, May, 1719,
Oct.,1719, May, 1720, May, 1721, May, 1723, Oct., 1723, May, 1724. Oct. 10, 1723,
he was elected Speaker of the House, and again May 14, 1724. He was voted 30s.
each session for his "good services" as Speaker. He was appointed Auditor
May 9, 1717, May 12, 1720, and May 15, 1725. Justice of the Peace and Quorum,
May 10, 1711, May 13, 1714, May 12, 1715, May 10, 1716, May 9, 1717, May 8,
1718, May 14, 1719, May 12, 1720, May 11, 1721,May 10, 1722, May 9, 1723, May
14, 1724, and May 13, 1725. Assistant, May 8, 1729, May '4, 1730, May '5, '73', May
11, 1732, May 10, 1733, May 9, 1734, May 8, 1735, May 13, 1736, May 12,
1737, May 11, 1738, May 10, 1739, May 8, 1740, May 14, 1741, and May 13,
1742. Present in Court as Assistant, Oct. 9, 1729, May 4, 1730, Oct. 8, 1730,
May 3, 173 I, Oct.14, 1731, May 11, 1732, Oct. 12, 1732, May 10, 1733, Oct. 11,
1733, May 9, 1734, Oct.10, 1734, May 8, 1735, Oct. 8, 1735, May 3, T736, Oct.
14, 1736, May I2, 1737, Oct. 3, 1737, May II, 1738, Oct. ii, 1738, May 10,1739,
Oct.11, 1739, and May 8, 1740. Judge of County Court, May 12, 1726, May ii,
1727, May 9, 1728, May 8, 1729, May 14, 1730, May 13, 1731, May ii, 1732,
May 10, 1733, May 9, 1734, May 8, 1735, May 13, 1736, May 12, 1737, May Ii,
1738, May 10, 1739, May 8, 1740, May II, 1741, May 13, 1742, and May 12,
1743. Judge of Probate Court, Dec. 29, 1726, (in place of Joseph Wakeman,
deceased), May II, 1727, May 9, 1728, May 8, 1729, May 14, 1730, May 13, 1731,
May Ii, 1732, May 10, 1733, May 9, 1734, May 8, 1735, May 13, 1736, May 12,
1737, May ii, 1738, May I0, 1739, May 8, 1740, May 14, 1741, May 13, 1742,
May I2, 1743.
He was several times commissioned in the military service of the Cofony.
Aug. 4, 1710, he was appointed Major of the forces engaged ill the brilliant
expidition to Port Royal, Nova Scotia. Col. N icholson was appointed
Commander-in-Chief, and Matthew Allyn, Lieut. Colonel. Connecticut's
quota was 300 men. The expedition proved highly successful with the aid of
the British fleet, Port Royal was taken, and named Annapolis, in honor of Queen
Anne, and by the third of November Major Burr and his men reached New
London on their return, as is shown by an entry in the records of a meeting of
the Governor and Council, held at New London, Nov.39 1710 ("Col. Rec.," vol. v.,
p.189) :
"Whereas Major John Burr bath laid before this board an account of money
expended by him for the support of himself and 28 of his company, in their
travel from Plymouth to Stonington, amounting to four pound, ten shillings, and
two pence : Ordered, that Rich. Christophers, Esq. pay unto the said Major Burr
the aforesaid sum out of the bills of credit in his hands belonging to the Colony,
and that he also deliver the said Major Burr out of said bills, the sum of four
pounds more, for the defraying the further charge of himself and his men, to
their several dwellings."
It seems that Major Burr and company were entertained by Capt. John Prentts
during their stay in New London, as at a meeting of the Council, Nov. 7th, it was
ordered "that Rich. Christophers, Esq. pay unto Capt. John Prentts, the sum of one
pound, eighteen shillings, and ten pence, for the entertainment of Major Burr and
his company."
In his character as a military man, as well as in his civil capacity, he was several
times entrusted with difficult and dangerous commissions for the State, as will
appear by the following extracts from the Colonial kecords:
NEW HAVEN, Sept.15, 1720.
"It having been represented to this board, that an Indian living near Danbury
called Chickens, has lately received two belts of wampumpeag from certain
remote Indians, as is said, to the west of Hudson River, with a message expressing
their desire to come and live in this Colony, which said messenger is to be
conducted by aforesaid Chickens to the Indians at Potatuck, and Wiantenuck, and
Poquannuck, in order to obtain their consent for their coming and inhabiting among
them, and that hereupon several of our frontier towns are under considerable
apprehensions of danger from Indians, fearing that the belts have been sent on
some bad design : It is resolved, that Capt. John Sherman of Woodbury, and
Major John Burr of Fairfield, taking with them Thomas Minor of Woodbury, or
such other interpreter as they shall judge meet, do repair immediately to said
Indians at Potatuck and Wiantenuck, and cause the said Chickens, to whom
the belts and messenger were sent, to attend them, and to make the best inquiry
they can into the truth of said story, and what may be the danger of said message,
and as they shall see cause take proper order that the said Indian with the belts,
and the principal or chief of the Potatuck and Wiantenuck Indians, attend the
General Court at its next session, to receive such orders as may be useful to
direct them in their behavior in relation thereunto ; and that Major Burr return
home by way of Danbury, that the inhabitants there, and in those western parts,
may be quieted as to their apprehensions of danger from the Indians, if upon
inquiry they find there is no just ground for them."
NEW HAVEN, Oct.11, 1722.
"For conveniency of several members of this court, who live remote, and that
they may within the present week have sufficient to return home, it is ordered that
Major Burr, Major Eells (here follow eleven other names), be a committe' who shall
stay after the court is up, and inspect and take care that the several acts of this
court be truly and exactly entered on the records."
"Governor and Col6ncil at Hartford, Apr.26, 1725.
"This board having intelligence by a copie of a letter from Philip Scheyler of
Albany, that the enemies are all come over the lake, and that it would be prudence
to strengthen the frontiers on Connecticut River : It is considered and resolved, that
notice thereof be forthwith sent to Litchfield, Waterbury, Woodbury, Farmington,
Simsbury, and New Milford : and the commission offlcers of the aforesaid towns
are ordered forthwith to make a view of the arms and ammunition of the soldiery in said
towns, to see that all the soldiers in their respective companies be forthwith well equipt
with their arms and ammunition, according to law, and that they are in perpetual readiness
to defend themselves and offend the enemy, wheresoever they shall be called or directed
by their officers, or by the Governor and Council, or Committee of War. And it is ordered,
that New Milford, Litchfield, Simsbury, Waterbury, and Woodbury, do forthwith set up a
constable's watch in their respective towns ; and the constables of the respective towns
aforesaid, are ordered by the advice of the commission officers and selectmen of the said
towns, to see such watch or watches faithfully kept by such numbers of men, and in such
places as the said townsmen and officers, or the major part of them, shall from time to time
agree to and appoint.
"Resolved, that a scout of ten effective, able-bodied men be forthwith sent out from
Simsbury, to take their departure from Salmon Brook at Simsbury and march across the
Wilderness to Housatunnack and Weataug, and inform the sachems of said Indians, that as
we look upon them to be our friends, we send them the news that many of the westward Indians
are come out against these frontier parts of the country, and also that Scatecock Indians are all
drawn off, it is supposed to the enemie and we send them this news, that they may secure
themselves in the best manner they can, from the said enemie: and farther to inform them, that
it being difficult to distinguish them from the enemie, they are forbid to let their men hunt, or travel
in the land belonging to their government, on either side of the Housatunnack River, where we
must send our scouts to discover the enemie that come down this way. And whereas, we have
intelligence from Albany, that the enemie are come all out from Canada, before the Boston
gentlemen got to Canada, and the Skatacuck Indians are drawn off, and there is discovery of
Indians in the wilderness above or north of Litchfield and New Milford : for the quieting and
securing these towns at least for the present, while they get their seed into the ground. It is
resolved, that orders be sent to Major John Burr of Fairfield, from this board, that he forthwith
send out his warrants by order of the Governor and Council that sat this day at Hartford, Apnl 26,
1725, to the chief commission officers of the towns of Fairfield, Stratford, and Milford, and cause
five effective, good, able-bodied men to be detached or imprest in each of the respective towns,
and forthwith to cause the said fifteen men under command of a serjeant by him, said Major
appointed, to march to New Milford, and to attend' the service of guarding, scouting, watching,
and warding, by the direction of the commission officers of the said town of New Milford."
May 10, 1773 he was appointed one of the judges in a Court of Chancery, which had full power
"to hear and determine accounts in equity, and award execution thereon, in all causes and
controversies between the possessors of the bills of the New London Society and the mortgagers,
as also between the rnortgagers themselves, their officers, committees, debtors, or receivers,
respecting said bills, or the doings of said society upon any suit between the parties."
The student of early Connecticut history will recognize this New London Society as one of the
most barefaced frauds ever organized. Ostensibly a sort of banking and general merchandise
concern, it issued indented bills for different amounts, payable in silver, or bills of credit of the
Connecticut or neighboring governments, it being given out that the company had a paid-in capital
sufficient to meet them when due. The bills became a circulating medium and passed into the
hands of all classes; presently it was discovered that the only assets of the company were
mortgages on certain wild lands owned by the stockholders: a rush on the bank ensued, and
the bills became worthless. As was natural a great clamor against the company then arose, and
criminations and recriminations, suits, charges, and counter-charges startled the staid society of the
day with revelations of iniquity hitherto undreamed of. In this emergency the General Court
constituted the above Court of Chancery, with power to try not only suits between the victimized
public and the stockholders, but between the stockholders themselves, who had by this time fallen
into a fierce altercation over the distribution of the spoils. There were other public services pefformed
by Col. Burr, not so important as the above, but worthy of mention. At the General Assembly May 9,
1717, with Peter Burr, Samuel Bells, Jonathan Law, Esqrs., and Major John.Clark, he was appointed
"to return the thanks of this Assembly to the Rev. Mr. Timothy Cutlar for the great pains he took in the
sermon he preached yesterday, and to desire a copy that the same may be printed.
May 12, 1720, he was one of a committee "to deliver into the treasurer's hands the sum of L1320
2s. 6d., being a part of the dead bills brought in by the rate of 1718, taking his receipt for the same."
May ll, 1721 : "Ordered by this Court that a patent be granted to the Hon. Nathan Gold, Esqr., Peter
Burr, Esqr., Major John Burr, Capt. Joseph Wakeman, Capt. Moses Dimon and Lieut. Jonathan
Sturgess, all of Fairfield, and their heirs at common law, to hold a grant of 6oo acres of land, made
to the town of Fairfield, by the General Assembly at Hartford in 1672, for the maintenance and support
of a grammar school to be kept there, and for no other use whatsoever." May 14, 1731, appointed
with Mr. Joseph Whiting to return the thanks of the A5sembly to the Rev. Mr. Whittlessey, "for the
sermon he preached yesterday, and to desire a copy, etc." In 1732, he was on a committee to let
out £3,000 of the bills of credit, "to such persons, freeholders in the Colony, as shall mortgage in lands,
double in value to the sum said mortgager shall borrow." This was quite a delicate task, as the
committee were to be "very careful and inform tltemselves well, that the title to said land is clear,
and that it is at least double the value of the mortgage, and free from encumbrance." Oct. 11, 1733,
a difficulty in the town of Lebanon concerning highways was reported, and he was appointed on a
committee with Matthew Allen and James Wadsworth, to hear and report on the same. October 13,
1737, with Edward Lewis and Ebenezer Silliman, he was appointed to sell rights of western lands
at the court-house in Fairfield.
Col. Burr was probably one of the largest land-holders in the State. May 12, 1720: "the Assembly
gave, granted, bargained, sold, and confirmed to Roger Wolcott, Esq. of Windsor, Major John Burr
of Fairfield, John Riggs of Derby, Samuel Gunn, and George Clark the third of that name, both of
Milford, John Stone of Stanford, Ebenezer Fitch of Wind sor aforesaid, and Peter Pratt of Hartford,
being all of this Colony, one certain piece, or parcel of land bounded south on Mansfield bounds
as stated in the patent to that town dated October the 20th, 1703, west upon Willamantick River, north
upon Stafford, east upon Ashford, by a line drawn from Ashford nine mile and half tree, standing in
Mansfield line, southerly of a house set up by Obadiah Abbey, then to run from that tree north, nine
degrees easterly to Stafford bounds, the whole parcel being in estimation about i6,ooo acres, be it
more or less, it being in consideration of the sum of five hundred and ten pounds in current money,
by instruments well executed in the law, secured to be paid to the publick treasury of this Colony by
said grantees ; to have and to hold the same to them, in equal parts or proportions, saving all grants
by this assembly already made of said lands, and regularly laid out and returned and this assembly
further order and enact, that a patent at the request of said grantees under the seal of this Colony,
signed by the Governor and Secretary, be made of the aforesaid land to the said Roger Wolcott, John
Burr, John Riggs, Samuel Gunn, George Clark, John Stone, Ebenezer Fitch, and Peter Pratt for the
firm holding the premises to them, and their heirs forever." Besides this grant he had a large farm
surrounding his residence (which stood on what is now Fairfield Avenue in the city of Bridgeport),
which he bought of the Indian Sagamores, also a "long lot," * and several other large grants from the
town of Fairfield ; to this should be added a large inheritance from his father.
Col. Burr was one of the principal founders of the old North Church of Stratfield (now the First
Congregational of Bridgeport). He was also a principal subscriber at the organization of the St. John's
Episcopal Church, Bridgeport, in 1748. He died in Dec., 1750, and was buried, probably, in the old
Stratfield burying-ground. His estate was valued at 15,288 pounds, an immense sum in those days.
A copy of his will is appended:
"April 26th, 1750. Item. My will is that as I have agreed to give my loving wife Elizabeth, by a
marriage covenant dated 29th March, 1727, it shall be performed, I having already paid two hundred
pounds mentioned in said covenant (according to my said wife's directions) to her daughter Mary, the
remaining part of the sum in bills of credit mentioned therein. My will is, that my executor shall pay
to my said wife, the sum of thirteen hundred pounds in bills of credit of the old tenor or equivalent in
new tenor, to make up the principal and full of the money, and my will farther is, that my said wife
shall have the use of my dwelling-house where I now live, and the whole of the orchard adjoining,
during the time she remains my widow, and also liberty to get firewood for her own use in my chestnut
hill lot, during said term, and also provisions for half a year.
"Item. I give and bequeath unto my loving daughter Abagail Hubbell the sum of ten pounds in
bills of credit of the old tenor, which with what I have already given her, is to be her full share of my estate.
"Item. I give and bequeath to my loving daughter Mary Smedly, the sum of ten pounds old tenor, which
with what I have already given her is her portion.
"Item. I give and bequeath to my grandson Ebenezer Dimon, the son of my said daughter Mary,
the sum of one hundred pounds in bills of credit old tenor, or equivalent thereto, to be paid him when
he shall arrive at the age of twenty-one years.
"Item. I will and bequeath to my grandson, William Dimon, the sum of fifty pounds, in bills of
credit, old tenor, or equivalent thereto, to he paid him when he shall arrive at the age of twenty-one
"Item. I will and bequeath to my grandson David Dim on the sum of fifty pounds, in like currency,
or equivalent thereto, to be paid him when he arnve at the age of twenty-one years.
"Item. I will and bequeath to my beloved son John Burr, and to his heirs and assigns forever,
the value of twelve hundred and fifty-eight pounds in bills of credit old tenor, to make him equal to
what I have already given to my son William, and also the sum of four hundred pounds more in
like currency, or the value thereof, on account of his being my eJdest son.
"Item. All the remainder of my estate both real and personal, of what kind so ever, not before
mentioned in this will, I will, devise, and bequeath to my beloved sons John Burr and William Burr,
and their heirs and assigns forever in equal portion, on condition that they keep and maintain my
son Joseph Burr, during his natural life, with good and sufficient clothing, meat, drink, washing, and
lodging and other necessaries.
"Finally. I do hereby constitute and appoint my well beloved sons, John Burr and William Burr,
executors of this my last will and testament hereby revoking all former wills by me made. In witness
whereof I set my hand and seal.
"In presence of LYMAN HALL,
graduated at Harvard College
in 1697, and became one of the most famous teachers of his time. He was for
twelve years master of the Grammar School at Charlestown, Mass., a preparatory
school for Harvard College, and which had a reputation in the colonies similar to
those of Eton and Rugby, in England. He d. while master of the Grammar
School, Aug. 7, 1719, and was buried in the Fairfield burial ground, where a
monument was erected to his memory, bearing the following inscription:
"Here lyes ye body of Mr. Samuel Burr, Master of Arts, was born in Fairfield,
April 2d, 1679 was educated at Harvard College in Cambridge under ye famous
Mr. Wm. Brattle, and there he was graduated ye first time, ye year 1699, ye second
time ye year 1700, ut moris est, who after he had served his generation by the will
of God in ye useful station of a grammar school master, at Charlestown, twelve
years, upon a visit to this, his native place, departed this life Aug. 7, 1719, aged
49 years, 4 months and 5 days."
He was m. to Elizabeth Jennor, June 19, 1707, by the Rev.
Simon Bradstreet.
Burr Family Genealogy
(a list of resources used in
gathering information for these pages)