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John Alden - A Biography
This document came to me through my grandmother, Esther P. Gates.
The source is not clear to me. It appears that some of it is
Autobiographical and some was written by Rev. John Alden b. 1806,
Providence, RI.
The Hon. John Alden was born in England in 1599; in what part is
not known. There were but few of the name of whom we have any record. A
Mr. Alden, a scholar of St. John's College, is mentioned as one who
suffered from the tyrannical Bartholomew act. There is also mention of
one John Alden of Middle Temple" as having a coat of arms assigned him
in 1607. He belonged in Hertfordshire, and from the similarity in
names, we conclude that the Pilgrim John Alden was a member of the same
family; distinctive family names at that time and for a century later,
at least, being the rule. That he was hired at Southampton as a cooper,
we know from Bradford's Journal.
Whether he belonged to the
Independent Church in England, is not told, but the probabilities are
that he was one of them in sentiment and by association, and that if
not a member on joining the expedition, he became one soon after. The
character of the man as evidenced by his subsequent life, leads to this
inference. A stern adherent of justice and morality, unswerving from
the straight line of duty as he understood it; yet at the same time,
modest and unassuming in all his ways, showing tenderness and mercy to
the weak and forgiveness to the penitent, were qualities which combined
to make him an example for all generations.
He embarked with the Mayflower
band, probably with the intention of joining his interests with theirs
in the new world, and no doubt this desire was strengthened and
confirmed by his association with Priscilla Mullins during the long
voyage, and afterward, while waiting in the harbor for the older
members of the company to decide upon a place of habitation. He was
probably one of the seven well persons left at one time to care for the
sick and dying in that terrible first winter. The death of the father,
mother and brother of Priscilla, leaving her an orphan in a strange
land, led the young John from sympathizing with her sorrows, to cherish
a tenderer feeling in his heart for the fair young girl thus left alone
in the world.
One other sincere love seems to
have taken root in the heart of John Alden at this time, which was
destined to exert a great influence upon his after life, and to become
known in every New England home for all time. This was the affection of
the youth for the middle-aged Captain Standish, which commenced in the
Mayflower and ended only at death.
The popular legend connecting
these three has been beautifully preserved by Longfellow in his poem
"The Courtship of Miles Standish." Whether all that is related ever
really occurred, is doubtful, but there is no doubt that some of the
principal points mentioned were true. That Capt. Standish did turn his
eyes toward "the loveliest maiden in Plymouth," after the death of his
"beautiful Rose of Love," is probably a fact. But for the most part we
must consider the poem a creation of the poet's brain, rather than a
truthful narration of the courtship and marriage of the real John and
Tradition represents him as the
most comely youth of the Mayflower company, and possessed of a superior
education and agreeable manners. Upon the division into families he was
assigned to the household of Standish, in consideration of the
friendship existing between them.
His marriage occurred in the
spring of 1621. Where he commenced housekeeping is not recorded. The
first houses of the Pilgrims in Plymouth were built of hewn logs,
intersticed with mortar, with roofs thatched, and surrounding the tiny
cottage was an acre of land allotted to each family for cultivation;
and history says that women and children worked cheerfully in these
gardens. So we may imagine the Puritan wife, Priscilla, with her little
ones by her side, employed in not only the household avocations,
including spinning and weaving, but also assisting the husband and
father in work outside, in the ground allotted them. Several of their
children were born in Plymouth, probably the first five of the eleven
born to them, according to the account in Bradford's Journal. The names
of only eight are recorded; probably the other three died very young.
In 1624 the "Charity" brought the
first cattle to the Plymouth colony. They were owned in common, until
1627, when they had increased sufficiently, with the addition of others
imported, to allow of a distribution in lots, which was accomplished by
dividing the people into twelve groups of thirteen each, and allotting
to each group the use of one animal for ten years, at the end of which
time it was to he returned with one half its increase. John Alden and
his family now numbering four, himself and wife and two children, John
and Elizabeth, were joined to the company of John Howland, to which was
given one of the four heifers which came in the "Jacob," Raghorn. John
Alden's family of four, John Howland's family of four, and five single
men were thus made sharers in ''Rag-horn."
About this time, a number of the
settlers desiring to ex tend their domain, determined on a settlement
at Mattakeeset, the Indian name of the territory now included in
Duxbury, Marshfield, Pembroke, Hanson, and the Bridgewaters; and of the
twenty signers of the compact who survived the first winter, six
removed their families to Duxbury: Elder Brewster, Captain Standish,
John Alden, John Howland, Francis Eaton, and Peter Brown. They were,
however, obliged to return to the village of Plymouth in the winter
season for several years. This removal was rendered necessary from the
need of combining all their forces in case of an attack from the
Indians, and to better facilitate their meeting in council and at
religious gatherings. The early settlers on this side included quite a
number of the principal men who could not be spared for a permanent
In the colony records we find the following entry Ano. 1632 April 2 : (
The names of those which promise to remove their families to live in
the town in the winter time, that they may the better repair to the
worship of God.)
In the first part of 1628,
another division of land was made, by which each purchaser was given
twenty acres additional for cultivation. There being one hundred and
fifty-six purchasers, there were allotted at this time, three thousand,
one hundred and twenty acres of land.
The poor land was used at first
in common for pasturage, and was called "commons or "salt meadows."
Later on these lands were leased to parties for a small consideration.
It is probable that Alden's
allotment in this land division was part of the farm owned and occupied
by him, and still retained by his descendants. A marble slab on the
site of the first house, gives the date 1627, which is the supposed
time of the erection of the summer cottage. This does not exactly agree
with the date of the division, but it is not un likely that the place
was selected and buildings put up the summer before, as the land
allotment occurred in January.
In 1633, John Alden was appointed
assistant to the governor, which office he held for nearly the whole
remainder of his life, serving in this capacity, Edward Winslow,
Bradford, Prince, Josiah Winslow and Thomas Hinckly, all of whom,
excepting the last named, he survived.
From 1666 to his death, he held
the rank of first assistant, and was frequently called the Deputy
Governor, and acted many times as Governor in the absence of that
During ten years succeeding 1640,
he served the town of Duxbury, as deputy to the colonial council.
Public office was not as desirable then as at the present time, if we
may judge from the fact that a law was passed in 1627, fining any
person who should refuse to serve in that capacity. Salaries were
small, and the duties and responsibilities, great. The compensation for
magistrates was a mere trifle. In 1665, the court gave each old
magistrate twenty pounds per year and the expenses of their table; but
the newly elected had the expenses of their table only. In 1667, all
were paid fifty pounds each per year.
Mr. Alden having devoted the
greater part of his time for a number of years to the public business,
to the detriment of his own private affairs, the court passed the
following order as appears in the colony records :
"In regard that Mr. Alden is low
in his estate and occasioned to spend time at the courts on the
country's occasions, and so hath done this many years, the court have
allowed him a small gratuity, the sum of ten pounds, to be paid by the
In the year 1625, a settlement was begun at Salem. In 1630, John
Winthrop arrived in Boston harbor, and laid the foundation of the great
city, which points with pride to the noble statue now standing in
Scollay Square, inscribed, "John Winthrop, the first governor of
Massachusetts." John Cotton and John Wilson came to preach the gospel
to the people; and next year came John Elliot, the apostle to the
Indians, a man reared and fitted to fulfill an uncommon mission, which
he faithfully accomplished. A little later appeared Anne Hutchinson
with her band of followers.
The breaking out of the Pequot
War, in 1637, called for prompt action on the part of the colonists.
The cause of education was advanced by the erection of buildings for
Harvard College in 1639. Four years later, the Narragansett Indians
became uneasy and threatening, and the people were counseled to prepare
for war. At this time there were in the town of Duxbury eighty men who
were able to bear arms, of whom three were Aldens, the Hon. John, John,
Jr., and Joseph. This year, the confederation of the tour colonies was
effected to insure their co-operation in the event of war with the
Narragansetts. The first regular military company was formed. A council
of war was appointed, including Winslow, Prince, Standish, Alden, and
others, with power vested in either three to act in time of need.
Trouble between Holland and
England broke out, and was communicated to the colonies, resulting in
orders being given to raise money, troops, arms and ammunition. Alarm
signals were decided upon, and one man in every three was ordered to
carry arms to meeting on the Lord's Day, a failure of so doing was
punishable by a fine.
In all the important measures
connected with the events enumerated, the name of John Alden is
conspicuous. As adviser and executor he ever had an active share in the
management of the affairs of the colony and of the town. From Justin
Winslow's history of Duxbury, I quote the following tribute to his
"Holding offices of the highest
trust, no important measure was proposed, or any responsible agency
ordered in which he had not a part. He was one of the council of war,
many times an arbitrator, a surveyor of lands for the government as
well as for individuals, and on several important occasions was
authorized to act as agent or attorney for the colony. He was possessed
of a sound judgment and of talents, which, though not brilliant, were
by no means ordinary. Writers who mention him bear ample testimony to
his industry, integrity and exemplary piety, and he has been
represented as a worthy and useful man of great humility, and eminent
for sanctity of life, decided, ardent, resolute and persevering,
indifferent to danger, a bold and hardy man, stern, austere and
unyielding, and of incorruptible integrity. He was always a firm
supporter of the clergy and the church, and everything of an innovating
nature received his determined opposition."
This last mentioned trait was
shown in his attitude towards the Quakers during the years 1657-8.
Candor compels me to condemn the action of the Plymouth court in
banishing this sect and refusing entertainment to individuals
belonging to it. Any man harboring a Quaker was subject to a whipping
or a fine. This seems a very strange proceeding on the part of the
Mayflower Pilgrims, themselves exiles on account of religious
About the year 1653, the house
now standing was erected by his son Jonathan. It is situated on the
south side of Blue Fish river, near Eagle Tree Pond, so called from its
being a favorite resort for eagles. The farm of Mr. Alden originally
comprised over one hundred and sixty-nine acres, and was then, as now,
one of the best in town. The present house, an aged and venerable
structure, fit companion to its neighbor on Captain's Hill, is an
object worthy of veneration. For more than two centuries it has been
owned and occupied by the same family, and could it speak could relate
much that would be of interest to their descendants.
As can be seen from the following
picture it is a two-story square house, in its day one of the finest
residences in the town. The front faces the south, as was the custom in
those (lays. The windows were originally the small diamond shaped
panes, but these have been replaced by a more modern style.
On the ground floor are four
rooms. The front or "Great Room," as our forefathers called the best
room in the house, is a large, square room, 25x25, with fireplace to
match ; over the fireplace the walls are panelled. The ceilings are
eight feet high and crossed by heavy, wooden beams.
A cupboard in one corner still stands where it was placed two
hundred years ago.
The upper part of the house contains four sleeping rooms
including the great guest chamber, wherein is found the usual high
four-post bed-stead, with canopy top, and other old style furniture.
Above all is the old attic room, fit receptacle for (lust and
cobweb-covered wheels for spinning wool and flax, cards for combing and
reels for winding, besides a multitude of other accumulations. The
table seen in the picture is of English oak, and came in the Mayflower
probably, as the property of the mother of Priscilla. Upon it are some
account books of the first John Alden, and beside it sits the present
occupant, John Alden of the eighth generation.
This is the oldest dwelling existing in New England, with three
exceptions. The "Old Fort," at Medford, which dates back to 1634, the
"Old Fairbanks House," in Dedham, built in 1636, and the "Old Stone
House," at Guilford, Conn., in 1640.
Here the "Pilgrim John" passed the remainder of a life well
filled with labors both civil and religious. His name appears as one of
the original company who suggested and traced a route for the now
famous prospective Cape Cod Ship Canal; and we find him mentioned many
times, even up to the last year of his life, in connection with state
and church affairs.
He was a man whose unselfish interest for the general good
resulted in pecuniary loss to himself, so that at his death he left but
a small estate. In his early days he was possessed of considerable
property, but later divided most of it among his children, giving the
farm in Duxbury to Jonathan, a piece of land in Bridgewater to Joseph,
and land in Middleboro, Taunton, Monument and Duxbury to his other
children. He died in Duxbury, Sept. 12, 1686, aged eighty-seven. As he
was the youngest signer of the immortal compact, so he lived to the
greatest age, and out lived every member of the Mayflower company, with
one exception, Mary Allerton, who died in 1699, aged ninety.
It has been affirmed that Priscilla was living at the time of his
death, but I can find her name mentioned no where as among the living
later than 1680. In that year, Gov. Josiah Winslow died, and at his
funeral was present "the venerable John Alden with Priscilla upon his
His life embraced a wonderful history ; eventful, thrilling,
grand, sublime; his death completed an example worthy of imitation. A
grand life; a triumphant death. An "elegy," written by John Cotton,
voices the sentiments of his compeers, a portion of which I
God give me grace to mourn most heartily For
death of this dear servant of the lord,
Whose life God did to us so long afford.
God lent his life to greater length of days,
In which he lived to his Redeemer's praise.
He came one of the first into this land,
And here was kept by God's most gracious hand
Years sixty-seven, which time he did behold,
To poor New England mercies manifold,
All God's great works, to this his Israel,
From first implanting that to them befell;
His walk was holy, humble and sincere,
His heart was filled with Jehovah's fear;
He honored God with much integrity:
God therefore did him truly magnify.
The heart of saints entirely did him love,
His uprightness so highly did approve,
That whilst to choose they had their liberty,
Within the limits of this colony,
Their civil leader him they ever chose.
His faithfulness made hearts wish him to close.
With all the Governors he did assist;
His name recorded is within the list
Of Plymouth's pillars, to his dying day.
His name is precious to eternal ay.
He set his love on God and knew his name;
God therefore gives him everlasting fame.
So good and heavenly was his conversation,
God gave long life, and showed him his salvation,
Seeing the death of what he saw the birth
His work now finished was upon the earth,
His gracious Lord from Heaven now calls him home
And sayith, my servant, now to Heaven come;
Now shalt thou live in bliss eternally.
On dying bed his ills were very great;
Yet verily his heart on God was set.
He bore his griefs with faith and patience,
And did maintain his lively confidence,
Saying to some, the work which Christ begun
He Would preserve to its perfection.
His mouth was full of blessings, till his death
To ministers and Christians all; his breath
Was very sweet by many a precious word,
He uttered from the spirit of his Lord.
He lived in Christ, in Jesus now he sleeps,
And his blest soul the Lord in safety keeps."
There are very few relics in existence known to have belonged to
him. His Bible is in
Pilgrim Hall, Plymouth. It is in old English print, and is inscribed
thus ; Imprinted at London by Robert Barker, printer to the King's most
excellent majesty, Anno Dom., 1620, Cum Priuiligo." His
autograph can be seen there affixed to a deed dated 1661, and two other
instruments there hear his signature. A snuff-box, which came from
Holland, is in possession of a relative of Rev. Timothy Alden (author
of "Alden's Epitaphs "). These with the few preserved in the old house
at Duxbury, comprise all existing relics known to the writer.
Among the descendants of John Alden have been many noteted
military and professional men. Two Presidents of the United States
trace their ancestry to him. In looking over the "Alden Memorial,"
compiled by Dr. Ebenezer Alden, I find mention of thirty-four soldiers,
seventeen clergymen, thirteen physicians, eleven mariners and eight
lawyers. Doubtless there are many more at this time following a
professional life.
In literature there has been good work done by many of the Alden
name ; beside these there are many of their posterity now bearing other
names who occupy high stations in almost every department of life.
The race has ever been famed for learning, ability, integrity, decision
of character, and have been blessed with an unusual number of days.
During the first six generations, we find one hundred persons who lived
to the age of seventy and upwards ; fiftyfour who reached eighty;
thirteen who attained to ninety, and two who completed a full century
of life.
A few words relating to some of the individuals belong mg to the
Alden family may he 0£ interest to my reader. It is hard to select from
the many deserving notice, and as the number increases with each
succeeding year, I have chosen a few representative characters from the
earlier generations.
Was born in Plymouth, in 1622. Removed to Duxbury when very
young. He was admitted a freeman in 1648. Removed to Boston in 1649,
and lived in Alden lane, now Alden street. He was at one time the
tallest man in Boston. He was twice married. By his first wife he
had one child. He was married in 1660, to Elizabeth Everill, widow of
Abial Everill, by Governor Endicott. Captain Alden was a mariner, and
had command at different times, of several of the Massachusetts armed
vessels. He accompanied Col. Benj. Church on his expeditions to the
East against the Indians, and in 1696, commanded the Brigantine
"Endeavor." He was of great service on these expeditious on account of
his knowledge of the coast, and skill as a mariner. His manners were
characteristic of his calling, and his language at times somewhat
blunt, but he was held in great esteem by his associates for his
bravery, sound judgment and unexceptional moral character. He was an
original member of the Old South Church, in Boston, at its organization
in May, 1669.
In the wall of the new church edifice on Boylston Street, a
descendant of the Alden family has placed an ancient slate slab,
originally erected to his memory in King's chapel burying-ground. It
bears this inscription : "Here lyeth the body of John Alden, senior,
aged seventy-five years. Deceased, March, 1701." It can be seen in a
side wall of the central archway, facing Cop]ey Square.
During the witchcraft delusion in 1692, he was present at a court in
Salem, where several persons were being tried for this offense,
whereupon a girl pointed her finger at him and cried out that he was
the one who had bewitched her. He was seized by the authorities, tried
and committed to prison, where he remained fifteen days, when he
escaped by some friendly aid, and made his way to Duxbury, arriving
there late at night. On being questioned he said "he had come from the
devil and the devil was after him."
It seems that many in the church at that time believed him
guilty, which so exasperated him that he absented himself from them
for a long time. His death occurred Mar. 14, 1702, at the age of
eighty. His will was dated Feb.17, 1702. His estate amounted to £2,059,
115. 7d., and included one wooden and one brick house. There were also
debts due the estate of £1,259. He was the father of thirteen
Inherited land in Bridgewater and Middleboro. He set. tied in
Bridgewater. Married Mary Simmons, daughter of Moses Simmons, of
Duxbury, who came in the "Fortune," in 1621. Five children are
attributed to him.
Married William Pabodie, son of John Pabodie. He was a man of
influence in the town, and possessed of considerable property. Was town
clerk for eighteen years. Was deputy to the General Court several
times, and acted as attorney for the town and for individuals.
About 1684, they removed to Little Compton, R. I., then a part of
Plymouth colony.
Their residence while in Duxbury was east of Eagle Nest Creek,
and near Brewster and Standish. They had thirteen children, all of whom
were born in Duxbury, and ten married in that town.
They had only two sons, one of whom, John, died from an accident in
1669, aged twenty-four. While riding on horseback under a tree, his
head came in contact with a bough, and fractured his skull.
Of the daughters who married in Duxbury, Elizabeth married John Rogers,
Mary married Edward Southworth, Mercy married John Simmons, Martha
married Samuel Seabury, Sarah married John Coe, Ruth married Benjamin
Bartlett, Jr., Rebecca married William Southworth, and Priscilla
married Rev. Ichabod Wiswall; the latter a pastor of the Duxbury Church
at the time of her grandfather John's death. It is likely that all
these marriages were executed by John Alden, as he was a magistrate.
Elizabeth Pabodie died at Little Compton, May 3, 1717. A granite
monument to her memory stands in the old burying-ground there. It is
inscribed: "Here lyeth the body of Elizabeth Pabodie, who dyed May ye
31st, 1717, and in the ninety-fourth year of her age."
The following is from the Boston News Letter of June 17, 1717:
"Little Compton, 31 May. This morning died here Mrs. Elizabeth
Paybody, late wife of Mr. William Paybody, in the ninety-third year of
her age. She was a daughter of John Alden, Esq., and Priscilla, his
wife, daughter of Mr. William Mullins. This John Alden and Priscilla
Mullins were married in Plymouth, New England, where their daughter,
Elizabeth, was born. She was exemplarily virtuous and pious, and her
memory is blessed. She has left a numerous posterity. Her granddaughter
Bradford is a grandmother. Elizabeth Alden is said to have been the
first white woman born in New England.
Was a resident of Duxbury. A prominent member of the church and
town. Served as assistant to the governor, was Town Treasurer and
Selectman. Also deputy to the court. He inherited land in Middleboro,
and was appraised 20 May, 1719. He married Mercy or Mary, daughter of
Constant Southworth, who was a son of Governor Bradford's second wife,
Alice. They had two sons and two daughters. He died in 1719.
Was born about 1627. Made freeman in 1657. He was the youngest
son of the Pilgrim, and resembled him in many ways, and seems to have
been a favorite with him. He inherited the homestead where he spent his
whole life, and which inheritance he handed down in a direct line to
the present occupant, John Alden, of the eighth generation, who has a
son John, also living in the old house, and a daughter, Priscilla.
Captain Jonathan was administrator of his father's estate, and made a
final settlement with the heirs, June 13, 1688. He lived a bachelor
until he was about forty-five years of age, when he married Abagail
Hallet, of Barnstable. He was selectman of his town for several years,
and engaged in military duties from 1658 to his death. He was first
appointed ensign in the Duxbury company, then promoted to lieutenant,
and afterward captain. He died February, 1697, and was buried under
arms. An address was delivered at his grave by Rev. Mr. Wiswall, which
was contrary to the usual custom, and occasioned much comment. Funeral
services were not general until after 1700. From "Alden's Epitaphs" I
copy a portion of the address of Mr. Wiswall :
"Neighbors and friends, we are assembled this day in a posture of
mourning, to solemnize the funeral of the present deceased, to pay our
last tribute of respect to a person well known among us. I need not
enlarge upon his character, but in brief, am bold to say this much. He
stepped over his youth without the usual stains of vanity. In his riper
years he approved himself a good commonwealth's man; and, which is the
crown of all, a sincere Christian, one whose heart was in the house of
God, even when his body was barred hence by the restraints of many
difficulties, which confined him at home.
"He could say, in truth, 'Lord, I have loved the habitation of thy
"As to his quality in our militia, he was a leader, and, I dare
say, rather loved than feared of his company. Fellow soldiers, you are
come to lay your leader in the dust, to lodge him in his quiet and
solemn repose. You are no more to follow him in the field. No sound of
rallying drum nor shrillest trumpet will awaken him, till the general
muster, when the Son of God will cause that trumpet to be blown, whose
echoes shall shake the foundations of the heavens and the earth, and
raise the dead.
"Fellow soldiers, you have folowed him into the field, appeared
in your arms, stood your ground, marched, counter-marched, made ready,
advanced, fired, and retreated; and all at his command. You have been
conformable to his military commands and postures, and it is to your
credit. But, let me tell you, this day he has acted one posture before
your eyes, and you Are all at a stand! No man stirs a foot after him!
But the day is hastening wherein you must all conform to his present
posture. I mean, be laid in the dust."
Married Alexander Standish, oldest son and heir of Capt. Miles
Standish. He was admitted freeman in 1648. Served the town as deputy,
and was town clerk for several years. It was during this service that
his father's house was burned, and as is supposed the town records
burned with it as they were lost about this time. He owned land near
the Alden estate, but lived at the Standish farm, two miles distant.
The house now standing on Captain's Hill, was built by him in 1666. It
is a small, gambrel-roofed building, shingled on two sides, and is in a
good state of preservation. Here the son of Miles Standish and the
daughter of John Alden and Priscilla lived many years. He died in 1702.
The date of his wife Sarah's death is not recorded. By her he had seven
children. He married a second wife, who died in 1723.
Married John Bass of Braintree, and from this union
descended John Adams and John Quincy Adams, presidents of the United
States. She died in I674.
Married Thomas Delano of Duxhury, son of Philip Delano, (or De La
Noy) who came in the "Fortune," in 1621. He was an influential man in
the town. By her they had one son, Thomas, Jr. She died young.
SON of Col. John and Hannah Briggs Alden, was born at the old
homestead, Duxbury, June 8, 1723, where he lived and died. His wife was
Mercy \Vadsworth (who belonged to the family of Wadsworth ancestors of
the Poet Longfellow, on the maternal side). He was father of nine
children. He died at the age of seventy-four. His son Samuel was
mortally wounded in an expedition to the Penobscot river against the
British, in 1778, under command of Gen. Lovell. The second officer in
command was Gen. Peleg Wadsworth, who built a beautiful mansion in
Portland, Me., afterward occupied by his son-in-law, Stephen
Longfellow, father of the poet.
Briggs Alden was youngest son of Col. John. He early developed
the military tastes inherited from his father and grandfathers, and
became an officer in the local military company. In 1762, he was major,
and in 1776, elevated to the office of colonel.
The passage of the Stamp Act, in 1765, called forth an indignant
protest from the colonists. Major Briggs Alden was at that time a
representative to the General Court, and went thither with instructions
from his towns-people to oppose the passage of such act -" with all the
eloquence and address you are master of; and that you use your utmost
endeavors to vindicate our precious rights and privileges - these
privileges for which our forefathers bled; for which those heroic
spirits bid adieu to the tyrannical names of the Stuarts, traversed the
vast Atlantic, and sat down in these then deserts of America ; and
which, sir, we their descendants, esteem dearer to us than life."
In 1773, the growing feeling of dissatisfaction toward the mother
country, led to much correspondence between the colonies. From a letter
written by a committee of the town of Duxbury to the Boston
authorities, I quote a few sentences as an illustration of the spirit
that animated their leaders.
We inherit the very spot of soil cultivated by some of the first
comers of New. England, and though we pretend not that we inherit their
virtues in perfection ; yet hope we possess, at least, some remains of
that Christian and heroic virtue and manly. sense of liberty, in the
exercise of which, they in the very face of danger, emigrated from
their native land to this then howling wilderness, to escape the iron
yoke of oppression, and to transmit to posterity that fair, that
amiable inheritance - liberty, civil and sacred. We glory in a legal,
loyal subjection to our sovereign ; but when we see the right to
dispose of our property claimed and actually exercised by a legislature
thousands of leagues off, in which we have no voice, and many things of
a like nature take place-shall it then be deemed disloyalty to
complain? By no means; we esteem it a virtue, and a duty which people
of every rank owe to themselves and posterity, to use their utmost
exertions to oppose tyranny in al~ its forms, and to extricate
themselves from every dangerous and oppressive innovation."
It is said that not a single Tory was known to live in the town
of Duxbury, and when troops were called for to resist the requirements
of the English Government, the descendants of the Pilgrim John Alden
were among the first to volunteer.
All through the war, Col. Alden was an active and valuable
worker for his country, resisting her wrongs, and earnestly laboring to
sustain her liberties. For years he was a magistrate, a member of the
General Court, selectman of the town, and an active and consistent
member of the church. A portrait in Pilgrim Hall, from which the
picture in ~his book is taken, is said to he a striking likeness of the
original. He was a man of large stature and commanding bearing. The
flowing silver hair and white cravat gives him an air of dignity almost
ministerial, but the small piercing eyes, Roman nose, and firm set
mouth, betoken the soldier. He died Oct. 4, 1796, and his son, Judah,
succeeded him in the paternal home.
Was but twenty-six years of age at the breaking out of the
Revolutionary War, and, following in his father's footsteps, joined
Col. Bailey's regiment as captain. He had for three years previous,
conducted the drill of the military company of his town. In 1773 the
first minute company was formed, of which he was clerk and ensign.
He was a brave, skilful and prudent officer, and soon rose to the
rank of major. In 1776, he was stationed with his regiment in Roxbury,
and at one time accompanied Col. Leonard to the headquarters of the
English, with a flag of truce. He inquired of their colonel why they
did not come out to Roxbury and make the troops a visit. "Ah," replied
he, "we shall have to think of that some time first." He was an
intimate friend of General Washington, and with him at one time in New
York. A letter written by Washington I transcribe here :
HEADQUARTERS, 23 Nov., 1780.
SIR, - I impart to you in confidence that I intend to execute an
enterprise against Staten Island tomorrow night, for which reason I am
desirous of cutting off all intercourse with the enemy on the east side
of the river. You will therefore tomorrow, at retreat beating, set a
guard upon any boats which may be at the Slot or Niack, and not suffer
any to go out on any pretense whatever till next morning. Towards
evening you will send a small party down to the Closter landing, and if
they find any boats there, you will give orders to have them scuttled
in such a manner that they cannot be immediately used; but to prevent a
possibility of it, the parties may remain there till towards daylight
(hut not to make fires or discover themselves), and then return to your
post. I depend upon the punctual observation of this order, and that
you will keep the motive a secret.
Acknowledge the receipt of this, that I may be sure you have got
"I am, sir, your most obedient servant,
This letter is directed to "Captain Alden, or Commanding Officer,
Dobbs' Ferry."
A house built by him is still standing in Duxbury, about two miles from
the old homestead. His wife was Welthea Wadsworth. They had ten
children, the youngest of whom, Samuel, graduated at Harvard College at
the age of nineteen, and from Dartmouth Medical College four years
Major Alden lived almost a century. Born in 1750, he was, at an early
age, familiar with all the troubles terminating in the War of the
Revolution. He was fifteen years of age when the odious Stamp Act was
thrust upon the people, and he was present the following year at the
jubilee on Captain's Hill, celebrating its repeal. The "Boston Tea
Party" and the "Ride of Paul Revere" were fireside topics in his
father's house. His ear caught the echo of the "shot heard round the
world," and his noble spirit shared in the enthusiasm and patriotism
that greeted the "Declaration of Independence." He saw the thirteen
colonies emancipated from the English rule, and the framing of that
grand "Constitution" that has made the United States the greatest
nation on earth. Would that he might have tarried yet a little to
behold the final act in the great drama of Freedom, which culminated in
the Emancipation Proclamation, Jan. 1, 1863.
He died Mar. 12,1845, aged ninety-four, in the full possession of
his intellectual powers. His great physical strength and excellent
health remained to him until within a few years of his death. His
oldest son, John, inherited the original homestead in Duxbury, and was
great-grandfather to the present occupant, John Alden of the eighth
generation. Two hundred and thirty-five years ago, Priscilla Mullens
Alden lived here, when this old house was new. Today, a little child of
this John, two years of age, is called Priscilla Mullens, the first
namesake to occupy the home of her great ancestress.
Son of Capt. Samuel Alden, of Duxbury. From Justin Winsor's
History of Duxbury, I glean the following regarding him :
He was appointed lieutenant to Col. Theophilus Cotton, and was
part of a detachment ordered to throw up entrenchments on Dorchester
Heights, in 1776. Was soon after promoted to the rank of colonel, and
after the capture of Burgoyne, was stationed at Cherry Valley, sixty
miles west from Albany. A fort had been constructed here for the
protection of the frontier, and Colonel Alden was made its commander.
On the evening of Nov. 11, 1778, he was surprised by the enemy,
numbering seven hundred Royalists and Indians, led by Brant, a
celebrated Mohawk chief. A large portion of his officers and men were
killed. He, with his lieutenant, Stacia, were lodged at the house of
Mr. Robert Wells. The house was attacked and the inmates massacred.
Colonel Alden escaped, but was pursued by an Indian who demanded his
surrender. Upon his refusal, the Indian threw a tomahawk, killing him
"As an officer, Colonel Alden was brave and persevering ; as a
gentleman, he was accomplished and agreeable ; and in all his relations
of life, he formed around him lasting and steadfast friends, and in his
intercourse with others was honorable and just, and his untimely death
could not but be lamented by all who knew him."
Son of John and Hannah Alden, was born in Bridgewater, Mass., in 1747,
and died at Middleboro, March, 1821, in the one hundred and third year
of his age. The Christian Watchman of April 14,
182 I, gives the following :
"In Middleboro, died the venerable John Alden, in the one hundred
and third year of his age. His great grandfather, whose name he bore,
was one of the first settlers of New England, and his grandmother was
daughter of Peregrine White. He was married young, and his first wife,
by whom he had five children, died at the age of twenty-seven. By his
second and last wife he had fourteen children.
When his century sermon was preached he is understood to have said that
he had read through his Bible in course as many times as he was years
old. He retained his bodily strength and mental energy to a remarkable
degree. When more than one hundred years old, he would converse with
great propriety upon religion, and occasionally repeat whole chapters
and quote numerous passages from the sacred Scriptures. He was the
oldest man in the old colony and probably the oldest in the
commonwealth. He had been a professor of religion and connected with a
church upwards of seventy-eight years, and was probably the oldest
church member in the United States."
In 1835, there were living of his descendants one hundred and
seventy-three persons. He had nineteen children, sixty-two
grandchildren and one hundred and thirty-four great grand-children.
An oil painting of him, said to be a correct likeness, hangs in Pilgrim
A native of Ashfield, Mass., and uncle of the writer, was a man of
uncommon ability, and made himself famous by performing a difficult
surgical operation.
A man's leg had become so diseased by a fever sore as to
necessitate the removal of the bone. Dr. Alden extracted about six
inches, and inserted in its place the corresponding bone of an animal.
The experiment was a success. He settled in Rome, N. Y., and was often
called hundreds of miles in his practice. He was of a genial, social
nature and possessed of marked literary tastes. His library con- tained
the whole of Ree's Encyclopaedias, about one hundred and fifty volumes.
The writer well remembers the impression this collection made upon him
the first time he saw them together on the shelves of Amherst College
library. He lived to old age, respected by all.
Of Yarmouth, Mass., was born in Bridgewater, Nov.24, 1736 He was a
graduate of Harvard College, and afterward pastor of the Congregational
church in Yarmouth, where he remained nearly. fifty-nine years. He was
much loved by his people, a man of exemplary piety, great humility and
cheerful disposition. He married Sarah, daughter of Rev. Habijiah Weld,
of Attleboro, whom he outlived. He died at the age of ninety two.
Was born in Stafford, Conn., July 4, 1755, was educated at Plainfield
Academy, and pursued a course of medical studies under the teaching of
Dr. Elioha Perkins. He was invited and accepted the position of
physician in Braintree ( now Randolph ), Mass, in 1781, where he
remained in the practice of his profession until his death, twenty-five
years later. He was a successful practitioner and also an able medical
teacher, having under his instruction at various times, many young men,
some of whom became eminent in their profession. He was highly
respected by his townspeople, and beloved by his patients and friends.
He died at the age of fifty-one, "just when he was rising into special
prominence as a man and a physician."
The second Dr. Ebenezer Alden was the eldest of the three children of
Ebenezer and Sarah Bass Alden He was a descendant on both sides of the
Pilgrim John Alden, Sarah Bass being descended from the union of Ruth
Alden and John Bass. He was born in Randolph, Mar.17, 1788, the year of
the adoption of the Constitution of the United States. He Was eighteen
years of age at his father's death which occurred during his collegiate
course at Harvard, from which he graduated in 1808. He then went to
Dartmouth, and pursued a course of medical studies, and received the
degree of M. B. in 1811; afterward he attended medical lectures in
Philadelphia, and received the degree of M. D. from the University of
Pennsylvania, in 1812. He then settled as a physician in his native
town. He married in 1818, Anne, daughter of Capt. Edmund Kimball, of
Newburyport. In his chosen profession he was widely known and very
successful, and not only in this, but in many other walks of life he
was a man of influence, greatly esteemed for his superior judgment,
high intellectual attainments and benevolent disposition.
He was a member and an active worker in many different societies,
religious and educational. For thirty-three years a trustee of Amherst
College, and for twenty-five years director of the American Education
Society. He became a member of the N. E. Historic Genealogical Society
in the year of its organization, in 1846, and afterward contributed
$500 towards the Librarian fund.
Dr. Alden was also a ready writer. His publications embrace
(1uite a number of works on medical topics, several memoirs, and the
"Memorial of the Alden Family," published in 1867. The last named has
been of great interest and benefit to all descendants of the name.
Beside all these accomplishments, he was a leading singer in his
town, and much interested, especially in church music. At the National
Peace Jubilee at Boston, in 1869, and at the International Jubilee,
three years later, he was one of the chorus singers. At this time he
was eighty-four years old.
For several years before his death he was totally blind, and was cared
for by his daughter, Sarah Bass Alden, at the old homestead. He died
January 26, 1881 his ninety-third year.
Two sons and the daughter above named survive him.
Rev. Ebenezer Alden, pastor since 1850, of the First
Congregational Church in Marshileld, Mass. In his parish lived Daniel
Webster, and in 1852, he was called to conduct the funeral services of
the great states-man.
The second son is Rev. Edmund Kimball Alden, D. D., who was
ordained to the Congregational ministry in 1850, and after serving for
some twenty-six years as pastor at Yarmouth, Me., Lenox, Mass., and in
Phillips Church, South Boston, is now one of the secretaries of the
American Board.--[From Increase Tarbox Memorial of Ebenezer Alden. M.D.]
The subject of this sketch was a son of Rev. Timothy Alden, of
Yarmouth, Mass. He was the oldest of six children; was born in Yarmouth
in 1771, and died at Pittsburg, Pa., in 1839, aged sixty-eight years ;
a useful life cut off too soon. At eight years of age he went to live
with his uncle, Lieutenant Joshua Alden of Bridgewater, remaining seven
years. He then decided to fit for college, and commenced a preparatory
course under his father's teaching, which was finished at Philip's
Academy, Andover, Mass. He entered Harvard College in 1790, where he
distinguished himself by his excellent scholarship, especially in the
ancient languages. At his graduation, in 1794, he delivered an oration
in Syriac. In 1799, he entered upon the pastorate of the South
Presbyterian Church in Portsmouth, N. H. The following year he opened
there a school for young ladies. He resigned his charge as pastor in
1805, and devoted his time until 1808 to the interests of the school.
He was afterward principal of a young ladies' academy in Boston, a
young ladies academy in Newark, N. J., and a similar school in New York
City. While a resident of Boston, he was appointed librarian of the
Massachusetts Historical Society, and prepared a catalogue of its
books, which was printed in 1811. He removed in 1815 to Meadville, Pa.,
and immediately entered upon an undertaking to establish a college in
that place. A public meeting was called June 20, 1815, Major Roger
Alden presiding. At this meeting was laid the foundation of Alleghany
College by the appointment of Rev. Timothy Alden, president and
professor of Oriental languages and of ecclesiastical history. Mr.
Alden then undertook to raise the necessary funds to carry on the
enterprise. Among those who honored him by their contributions, were
John Adams, Ex-President of the United States, Hon. James \Vinthrop, of
Cambridge, Mass., Major Roger Alden, and many other noted men of that
time. At the laying of the corner-stone of the college building, Mr.
Alden took a prominent part as a master mason. His son, Timothy Fox
Alden, delivered a Hebrew oration, and another son, Robert W., one in
While residing in Meadville, he became interested in the
condition of the Indian tribes located in western New York and
Pennsylvania, the Seneca's and the Mansee's, and was appointed in 1787
by the Boston Society for "the Propagating the gospel among the
Indians," as missionary in that region. A volume published by him, in
1827, gives very entertaining details of his work in the mission field,
and contains much of interest regarding the manners and customs of the
Indians of these tribes. His anecdotes of the Indian chiefs
"Cornplanter", "Red Jacket" and "Black Snake," and of Mary Jamieson,
the white woman of the Genesee Valley, are extremely interesting. He
closed his missionary labors in 1820. In 1831, resigned his connection
with the college to open a boarding school in Cincinnati. In 1833
removed to East Liberty, near Pittsburgh, Pa., and took charge of an
academy. Failing health obliged him to again resign his office of
teacher. He retired to the residence of his daughter, Martha, wife of
Patrick Farrelly, M. C., where he died in 1839. His last sermon,
preached in Sharpsburg, Pa., was from this text: "The end of all things
is at hand."
He was a man of rich intellectual endowment, enthusiastic in
every educational and religious work, yet easily discouraged and
somewhat visionary. He was founder of no less than seven schools of
learning, was honorary member of the Massachusetts and the New York
Historical Societies, and member of the American Antiquarian Society.
His literary work was considerable. The most important of his
publications being a collection of American epitaphs, issued in five
volumes. Copies of this work are rare. A relative of his, Mrs. Gormley,
of Sewickley, Pa., has recently donated a set to the Massachusetts
Genealogical Society. Through the courtesy of this society, I have been
enabled to secure the following extracts. In his preface he says:
"My original design was merely to gratify an inclination for
acquiring knowledge of important chronological, bin graphical, and
historical facts, nowhere to be found except on the mouldering mansions
of the venerable dead, and on the face of monuments or cornerstones,
and other parts of public buildings equally a prey to the touch of
time, and on such materials, and under such circumstances as to render
them difficult of access. At length, having amassed many documents, and
having enjoyed much satisfaction in contemplating these interesting
memorials, it occurred to me that my collection, if issued from the
press, would be acceptable to my fellow citizens, and, at the same
time, give publicity to a multitude of facts which ought not to be
buried in oblivion, and preserve in a form more durable than marble or
brass, a tribute of gratitude and respect to the memory of many, of
whom the world was most worthy."
The reign of England's Virgin Queen, Elizabeth, was characterized by
many changes and reforms, among which that relating to the church was
one of the most important. The reformation, under Henry VIII., and the
ecclesiastical changes during the succecding reigns of Edward and Mary,
had proved very unsatisfactory. The corruptions and abuses existing in
the church of Rome led many of the clergy and people to rebel against
it and resulted, during Elizabeth's reign, in the year 1559. in an act
of Parliament, abolishing Mass, adopting the thirty-nine articles as
the religion of the State, and recognizing the queen as the head of the
church. Thus the religion of England was changed in a single day from
Roman Catholic to Protestant.
This change, however, did not prove satisfactory, there being
many who objected to what they called the half-way policy of the new
church and these people set about to introduce a form of worship
more consistent with their own Views.
In 1564, they were given the name of "Puritans," a term of
derision, because they sought a purer form of worship, and insisted
upon a purer life. They were mostlv commoners, men of sterling
character, and loyal to their queen. They believed in a State church,
but sought to form that church after a higher pattern. This they were
not allowed to do, and those who persisted in using forms differing
from the established church were punished.
Thinking men among them were thus led to question the justice of
the authority of the State in religious matters, and finally came to
the conclusion that a body of men might band themselves together and
form a church, which should he independent. The putting in practice of
these doctrines caused them to he named Separatists, or Independents,
afterward caHed, in New England, Congregationalists. They claimed the
perfect independence of each congregation, answerable to no Bishop or
council, acknowledging but one head of the church, God.
They were subjected to much persecution, and for this reason,
about the year 1610 a congregation of these people sought a refuge from
their persecutors in Holland, where they had heard every one was free
to worship God according to the dictates of his own conscience. Their
first place of residence was at Amsterdam, from whence they removed to
Leyden, a university town of considerable popularity. Here were
educated many men of note. Their sojourn in Leyden covered a period of
about ten or twelve years, during which they were blessed with the
ministry of the Rev. John Robinson, a wise leader in civil as well as
religious affairs. His name has been handed to us as the able and
loving pastor, the wise counsellor and faithful friend, true to the
interests of his flock on both sides of the Atlantic, and who, if he
had been allowed, would have joined the exile band in the New World. He
died in 1625. His family succeeded in reaching the Plymouth Colony, in
1630, and many of his name in New England trace back their ancestry to
the beloved pastor of the church at Leyden.
The life of the Pilgrims in Holland was one of trial and
hardship, not, however, without compensations; for although they were
compelled to follow vocations for which they were unprepared, and were
subject to many prlvations and discouragements amid a strange people,
they kept the bond of Christian feHowship unbroken, and took great
comfort in the "freedom to worship God" after their heart's desire.
From the few recorded details of their life there, we believe them to
have exerted an influence for good in the community, and that they
maintained their high character for integrity, industry and fidelity,
we cannot doubt, if the small number who migrated to America was a
sample of the majority who remained behind.
The customs and manners of the Dutch people, together with their
irreverence for the Sabbath, with its baneful effects upon their youth;
the fear that they would in time lose their identity as English men;
the impossibility of educating their children as they themselves had
been educated; and, more than all, the desire to be the means of
spreading the religion of Christ, led them to look about for another
home, where they would be freed from the contaminations and
restrictions of the Old World.
At first, they thought of Guiana, which had been described in glowing
colors by Raleigh, but afterward turned their attention to the new
colonies, and decided to seek a settlement in Northern Virginia. For
this purpose agents visited England, and after much delay, obtained a
grant of land from the Plymouth Company.
Funds were raised to defray the expenses of emigration, and two
vessels were hired, the "Mayflower" and the "Speedwell," to convey a
pioneer company of these brave people across the sea.
Their last meeting in Holland, at the sea~port of Delft, has been
pictured on canvas, and a copy hangs in Pilgrim Hall, at Plymouth.
The "beloved pastor" is represented as invoking the Divine
blessing upon the little band. Sad, tearful faces cluster around, and
the grief of parting, mingled with the hope of better things to Come,
is depicted in the countenances and attitudes of all.
The Pilgrims sailed from Delft Haven, July 22, 1620, for Southampton,
Eng., where they remained two weeks, laying in such stores as were
necessary for their voyage. They were here joined by several friends
who desired to accompany them. At the end of this time they again set
sail, but after a few days the Speedwell proved unsafe, and they were
obliged twice to go back to port, and were finally compelled to abandon
her, and transfer her passengers to the Mayflower, thus crowding the
little craft to its utmost capacity.
On the 6th of September, 1620, they once more put to sea, this
time bidding a final farewell to old England and after a long, tiresome
and boisterous voyage, reached the shores of Cape Cod. This was not the
point intended as their destination, as their grant of land lay near
the mouth of the Hudson. They, however, after making an unsuccessful
attempt to pursue their voyage, came to anchor, November 11 (O. S. ),
in Provincetown harbor.
This is one of the best harbors on all the Atlantic coast, and it
seems providential that they were guided to it. One may imagine the
relief and sense of thankfulness that must have been theirs to look
once more on the solid earth, after this dreary voyage of over four
months. Four months' imprisonment in the close quarters of the little
Mayflower was quite different from a trip across the Atlantic in these
days. That the spirit of thanksgiving was uppermost among them, is
evidenced by their first act after casting anchor, which was to "fall
on their knees and bless the God of heaven, who had brought them over
the vast and furious ocean, and delivered them from all the perils and
miseries thereof." When we think of the prospects of these wayfarers at
that time, we cannot but wonder at the courage and faith that sustained
them. Winter coming on; no shelter on land, and soon to be none on the
sea, as the captain of the Mayflower was impatient to return to England
; short of provisions ; weakened in body by long confinement on
ship-board ; an unknown country before them, perhaps infested by
unknown foes. We who enjoy the benefits so dearly bought by them cannot
admire enough the sublime fortitude, the unconquering courage, and the
unquestioning faith which ennobled these grand heroes of the Mayflower,
and made them the loved and honored "Founders of New England."
The next thing to be done was to fix upon a place of settlement,
and with this object in view, a series of exploring parties were soon
started, which finally resulted in the settlement at Plymouth, Dec. 20,
1620. During this search, the members of the company, with the
exception of those on the expedition, remained on board the Mayflower
and while thus detained in the harbor, four of the number died. To help
fill the vacant places, two children had been born, one at sea, named
Oceanus, in honor of his place of birth, and the other, Peregrine
White, so named in token of the pilgrimage then in progress, and who is
distinguished as the first white child born within the limits of New
The third, and last exploring party, consisted of fourteen men,
including Carver, Bradford, Winslow and Standish. They set sail on
December 6, intending to make a circuit of the bay. The first day they
ranged along the shore, but found no place to satisfy them. Next
morning occurred the first encounter with the Indians, but fortunately
with no serious results. A severe storm of snow and rain, the following
afternoon, drove them to harbor, and a landing was made at night on
Clark's Island, so named from the mate of the Mayflower, who first
stepped ashore. The next day proved warm and pleasant, and daylight
showed to them their situation, which, by comparing with the map of
Capt. John Smith; they found to be named thereon "Plymouth." This being
Saturday, they remained on the island, putting their shallop and arms
in order, and preparing to keep the Sabbath.
Sunday, we have every reason to believe, from the character of
the voyagers, was kept as a day of rest and Worship. An immense granite
boulder on this island is today called "Pulpit Rock," from the
supposition that the first service on shore was held here. Some
one has inscribed upon it these words (recorded in Mourt's Journal) :
The Sabbath-day we rested." The Monday following was destined to become
a day long to be remembered and honored by a grateful people, as the
beginning of New England history for on this day the first landing was
made on Plymouth Rock, a name now known to all the world as emblematic
of the men who first stepped upon it, and the government which they
established to withstand the shocks of all subsequent time securely
"founded upon a rock."
The day's discoveries confirmed the impressions made before landing.
They found a country provided with all necessary advantages. A good
harbor, natural fortifications, plenty of clear water, wood of numerous
kinds, and, best of all, much cleared land which had been occupied and
cultivated by the Indians. A few years previous, a terrible scourge had
visited this region, carrying off thousands of the native population,
thus leaving for these exiles lands ready prepared for them.
In considering all these varied experiences, who can doubt the agency
of a higher power in directing these Pilgrims to the landing place at
The return to the Mayflower, after a week's absence, proved a
sorrowful meeting. The sad fate of Dorothy, the young wife of Bradford,
who fell overboard during his absence and was drowned, and also the
death of James Chilton, the day after, cast a gloom over the ship's
company, and gave the returning explorers a sorrowful welcome. Many
others were suffering from disease, and the condition of all was most
deplorable, so that there was no time to spend in mourning for the
dead. Their anxiety now was to prepare a place for the living as
speedily as possible. Accordingly, the next day saw the Mayflower on
the way to her destination, coming to anchorage on Saturday, December
i6, in Plymouth harbor, where they remained until Monday. Four days
later, they decided upon a location, and commenced preparations for
For the ensuing three months the little colony endured great
trials and privations. Sickness and death was a constant guest among
them. Nearly one half of the number died during this time, while many
more were prostrated by disease, there being at one time only seven
well persons to provide and care for the sick. The scarcity of
provisions, and the eating of food prepared with sea salt, together
with severe cold and exposure, were instrumental in producing this
devastating sickness.
The dividing into families and apportioning land, resulted in
establishing nineteen families, each to build its own house, casting
lots for choice of location. These house lots were very small, being
only three rods long by one and one-half rods broad. The houses were
placed on each side of the street now called Leyden street. They were
built of hewn white oak logs, cemented together with mortar, and
contained but one room. The roofs were thatched with dry swamp grass,
after the style of many houses, even of the better class, in England,
at that time.
A large building for storage was also erected, and as fast as
possible goods and families were transferred from ship to shore, thou~h
fully eight months passed from the time they first embarked from Delft
Haven before the last passengers were provided with houses on shore,
and then scarcely more than one half the original number were left to
occupy them.
A fort was also prepared; and Captain Standish formed a military
company, and placed five cannon upon Fort Hill, this precaution being
taken to insure the safety of the village in case of a possible attack
by the Indians.
The month of March seems to have brought in warm, pleasant
weather, quite unlike the March of the present day in New England, for
we read in Bradford's journal of the "singing of birds," and the first
The visit of Samoset, chief of the Mohegans, about this time, was
an event of great importance to the colony. His ability to speak
English enabled him to furnish much desirable information relating to
the country, its inhabitants and its resources.
He introduced to them Tisquantum, or Squanto, as he was commonly
called, who became a most valuable friend and aid. He had been
kidnapped by a Captain Hunt, and taken to England, but was afterward
returned, only to find his tribe exterminated and himself alone.
From associating with white men, he had come to adopt, in a
measure, their ways of living, and so gladly became a member of the
little band at Plymouth, sharing their privations and dangers, and
proving an invaluable help to them as a guide and interpreter. On this
visit of Samoset with Squanto, he brought notice of the near approach
of Massasoit, the great Sachem of the Wampanoags, accompanied by sixty
wariors. This news created intense excitement, for the coming interview
was fraught with interests vital to the safety of the colony.
When the Indian chief and his retinue appeared at the top of the
hill, Squanto was sent to inquire his wishes, returning with the
request from Massasoit, that a messenger be sent to confer with him.
Edward Winslow was the man appointed, and at once set out to meet the
savage chief. He had not neglected to provide himself with gifts with
which to insure his welcome. A pair of knives and a copper chain with
jewels attached were presented to the chief, and to a brother of the
chief he gave a knife, an earring, a pot of strong waters, some biscuit
and some butter, the latter of which they ate and drank, much pleased.
Winslow then addressed them in substance, as follows "That King
James saluted the Indian ruler with peace and love, accepting him as a
friend and ally, and that the Governor desired to see him, that he
might confirm a peace with him, establish neighborly relations, and
open a trade for mutual benefit."
Massasoit was much pleased with this speech as it was interpreted to
him, and leaving Winslow with his brother as a hostage, and taking
twenty warriors with bows and arrows, started for the village. During
the absence of Winslow, the people had made such hasty preparations as
were possible for meeting and entertaining their visitors, and as the
great chief marched down the hill with his followers, he was met by
Captain Standish and Mr. Allerton at the head of a company of
musketeers, and escorted with military pomp to one of the houses which
had been prepared to receive him. Governor Carver then advanced with a
guard, attended by drum and trumpet, and, after formal greetings had
been exchanged, they joined in partaking of food and drink.
A treaty was then drawn up and concluded between them, which was
never broken by this child of nature, and was kept for many years after
his death by his descendents.
The attitude of the Pilgrim colonists toward their Indian
neighbors was characterized by the same adherence to Christian
principles which distinguished them in all their dealings, and,
according to their own records, their good faith was amply repaid in an
unexpected fidelity and devotion. And yet we call them savages! These
noblemen of nature, who were the friends and protectors of our early
homes, and, until imposed upon by the white man, maintained a friendly
relation towards them.
This treaty with Massasoit cannot be over-estimated in its
subsequent results among the colonists, for we have to consider that
they were in the midst of a native population of at least twenty-five
thousand, notwithstanding the fact that nearly ninety-five per cent. of
their number had been swept away by the great plague.
Let us, in imagination, go back to a bright day in April this
spring of 1621, and picture to ourselves, if possible, the scene before
A group of sad-eyed women gazing longingly at the white sails of
the Mayflower spread for a long flight over "old ocean's gray and
solitary waste;" and as they look through blinding tears, the little
bark floats away in the distance, weighted with a freight of loving
messages to dear ones on the other shore, and, as she disappears, one
long sob breaks from their trembling lips as they bid farewell to the
last link that binds them to their native land.
The little Mayflower never came back to Plymouth, but twice
revisited the shores of Massachusetts Bay. In 1629, she landed a
company of Leyden people at Salem, bound for Plymouth, and, in 1630,
she was one of the fleet that brought John Winthrop and his company to
It was now time to commence planting the corn which had been
procured from the Indians. Here again Squanto proved a great help to
them, by instructing them in the mysteries of this corn planting, which
was unknown to them. As there were no beasts of burden, the labor must
be performed by men. Squanto taught them to drop three or four
ale-wives into each hill with a handful of corn, and that the field
must be guarded night and day, for two weeks, to prevent wolves from
digging up the fish.
During this first planting, occurred what seemed the greatest calamity
that had yet befallen them, in the death of Gov. Carver. While at work
in the field, he was taken suddenly sick and died in a few days.
William Bradford was appointed to succeed him, and the work went on.
Twenty acres of corn and six acres of wheat, rye, barley and peas,
together with vegetable gardens, attested to the industry of the few
workers fit for active service.
The season of planting over, there came a time in mid sunimer
when the work of the colony was not pressing. With New England farmers
of to-day, haying time presses close upon the time of seeding. But with
the colonists no hay was needed, for there were as yet no horses or
cattle to eat it, and if there had been, there was plenty of native
grass, without the need of cultivation. For our years the children of
the Mayflower ate their hasty pudding (a favorite old-time dish)
without milk, and of course fresh beef and mutton were impossible
dishes. The place of draught horses and cattle was supplied by bone and
muscle of finer texture, backed by some of the best quality of brains
that ever thought out the problems of society.
This resting time afforded an opportunity to make a long
anticipated visit to the headquarters of Massasoit, on the shores of
Narragansett Bay. Two men were detailed to undertake the journey,
Edward Winslow and Stephen Hopkins, accompanied by Squanto, as guide
and interpreter. As before, they provided themselves with such gifts as
they considered would be most acceptable. A tunic, or coat of red
cotton trimmed with lace, and a copper chain with medal attached, the
latter to be used by the messengers of the chief as a token of good
faith in going and coming between him and the English.
This expedition started in July, reaching the Namasket village ( now
Middleboro ), fifteen miles distant, in the afternoon, where they were
entertained by the villagers in royal style. The fare consisted of corn
bread and shad-roe. The same night they lodged at Weir, where they
found more of the same tribe engaged in fishing for bass, of which they
made their supper.
In this viciinity lived thousands of the native population who
died in the great plague, and whose bones lie scattered around, as
there were not enough of the living left to bury the dead. Next
morning, they follow the course of the river to a shallow place which
they ford, and reach the lodge of Massasoit same day, where they are
made welcome. He points out to them the home of the great Narragansett
tribe across the bay, the strongest of all the confederations.
Here they remained over night, these two undaunted travellers,
amid a company of savages, far from friends, and wholly at their mercy.
This trip of Winslow and Hopkins shows of what stuff these men were
made, and must have filled with anxiety the hearts of those left at
home, awaiting their return. Next day, they turned their faces
homeward, and arrived there in safety the second day after.
About this time, Hobomak; one of Massasoit's chief captains, came
to live in the colony, probably in the family of Capt. Standish, to
whom he attached himself, accompanying him on all his subsequent
expeditions, and remaining a faithful friend to him and to the
colonists through all the remainder of his life. His death occurred in
1642. He embraced the Christian religion, and died in hope of the
Christian's heaven.
The remainder of the year 1621 was marked by several most
interesting events. In July, the escapade of young John Pillington,
wherein he ran away and got lost in the woods, and wandered around for
five days, suffering greatly from hunger, until he chanced to fall into
the hands of a tribe of Indians, located near Buzzards Bay, twenty
miles distant from Plymouth. His absence caused much uneasiness, and a
company of men started out to find and bring him home. A report had
reached them of his whereabouts, but not feeling sure of the sentiments
of this tribe, they were somewhat in fear for his safety. On arriving
at the place, they were received and entertained with great cordiality,
and the boy was returned to them safe, and happy in the possession of a
quantity of Indian ornaments. Thus the freak of the "scape-grace " of
the colony, though causing considerable anxiety and inconvenience,
ended most agreeably.
In August, a rumor was circulated that trouble was brewing
between Massasoit and Corbitant.(Corbitant was chief of the Pocassets,
and for a while unfriendly to the English.) Squanto and Hobomak were
immediately dispatched to learn the truth regarding it.
On reaching the village of Namasket, they were seized by Corbitant, and
threatened with death. Hobomak escaped, and fled with all haste to
Plymouth with the news that Massasoit and Squanto were both prisoners;
whereupon Captain Standish:
"Took from the nail on the wall his sword with its scabbard of
iron, Buckled the belt round his waist,"
and with ten picked men, started to the rescue. They marched all day in
the rain, and at night lost their way in the woods, and wandered around
for hours, but finally reached the village, and beseiged the house
where they supposed Corbitant to be. The inmates attempted to run away,
and were fired upon, and two or three were wounded. Corbitant, however,
had fled. Massasoit was at libertv, and Squanto was found all right in
one of the houses. Next day they all returned home, taking with them
the wounded Indians, who were carefully treated by Dr. Fuller until
The prompt and determined action of the English in this instance
so impressed the natives, that they were anxious to conciliate them ;
accordingly, soon after this, a treaty, or oath of allegiance, was
drawn up and signed by at least seven of the principal sachems.
A trip to Massachusetts Bay in the month of September, for the
purpose of advancing trade with the tribes located at different points
thereon, and to promote a feeling of friendliness, as well as to become
better acquainted with the country round about, proved successful in
every particular. They were everywhere made welcome, and found the
Indians most anxious to trade.
The remainder of the summer was spent in getting in their
harvests and preparing their dwellings for winter. Sickness and death
had departed from among them, and health and hope had returned. Food in
abundance could be had ; plenty of game, such as deer, wild fowl, both
land and sea; fish in great variety, with clams, oysters and quahaugs
abounded in the waters; and great quantities of wild fruit was found in
the woods and fields; luscious strawberries of uncommon size; wild
plums, grapes and berries, probably kept the children busy gathering
The arrival of the "Fortune," in November, a small vessel of
fifty-five tons, bringing thirty-five passengers, was a joyful event,
bearing, as it probably did, several relatives and friends, besides
innumerable messages from friends in Holland and England.
She remained two weeks, and when she set sail on the return
voyage, went with a full cargo of beaver skins and clap-boards,
estimated at about five hundred pounds value. A pretty good record
considering the difficulties met and overcome.
So ended the first year of the settlement of New England.
"0 ye, who proudly boast
In your free veins the blood of sires like these,
Look to their lineaments. Dread least ye lose
Their likeness in your sons. Should Mammon cling
Too close around your heart, or wealth beget
That bloated luxury which eats the core
From manly virtue, or the tempting world
Make faint the Christian purpose in your soul,
Turn ye to Plymouth Rock, and where they knelt,
Kneel, and renew the vow they breathed to God."
Pilgrim Leaders
Governor John, the first signer of the compact, was one of the oldest
members of the colony, being between fifty and sixty years of age. He
was deacon of the church in Holland, and was the principal agent in
collecting funds with which to emigrate to America. He was much relied
upon as a leader by Rev. Mr. Robinson, the pastor of the Leyden church,
and had a reputation above reproach for ability and Christian
character, which he fully sustained to the day of his death. His family
consisted of eight persons, his wife and several servants. He died
about five months after landing. He was in the field helping to plant
corn, when he was taken suddenly sick and died in a few days. All
through the trying winter months he had been untiring in his labors,
administering to the sick and dying, and providing for the bereaved,
besides attending to the arduous duties incident to the establishment
of a new settlement. The lack of strong arms rendered it necessary for
him to undertake tasks too severe for his age and strength and so,
bowed down with toil and care, he at last laid aside his implements of
labor, and sought rest in the sheltering arms of death. They laid him
in the burying-ground on Cole's Hill with as much ceremony as was
possible, firing a volley of musketry over his grave. His wife,
Katherine, died soon after, and was laid beside him.
William Bradford
The second Pilgrim governor was born in Austerfield, Eng., a
small village about two miles from the post town, Scrooby. He was a
farmer's boy. At an early age he was left an orphan, and was brought up
by his grandparents and uncles. He was a thoughtful, studious boy, and
acquired an excellent education, being able to speak six different
languages. At the church in Babworth, six miles distant, he was a
constant attendant until their minister, Clifton, was silenced by the
authorities. He then joined others in forming the Scrooby Church, and
with them went to Holland, when but eighteen years of age. He there
married Dorothy May, Nov.30, 1613., who sailed with him for America,
but failed to reach the land of promise, being drowned in Cape Cod
Harbor, in the absence of her husband on an exploring expedition.
He married, for his second wife, Alice, the widow of Edward
Southworth, who came from England in the Anne, accompanied by her two
boys. He was chosen governor after Carver, and continued in office,
with the exception of three years for Governor Winslow, and two for
Governor Prince, until the year of his death, serving thirty-one years
as governor. He has since been called the "Washington" of the infant
colony. His numerous writings have proved of great value to chroniclers
and historians. These writings were lost, and for years no trace of
them could be found. But finally, the Bishop of Oxford discovered his
"History of Plymouth Plantation" hid in the Fulham Library, in England.
His eldest son, John, died childless. Two other sons and one
daughter were born to him by his second wife. The oldest, Major William
Bradford, inherited his father's books and his father's love of them.
At his death, in 1704 he requested to be laid beside him. The blue
slate slab, which marked his resting place, was the guide to the grave
of Governor William when, years after, his descendants erected a
monument to his memory on Burial Hill. died at Plymouth in 1657, aged
sixty-nine years.
The third governor of
Plymouth Colony was a native of Droitwich, England. He belonged
to the gentry and was an educated and accomplished man; the second in
the colony in point of wealth.
He married, in Holland,
Elizabeth Barker (the bride of Weirs
painting "The Embarkation," a copy of which hangs in Pilgrim Hall ),
who came with him in the Mayflower, together with two servants and a
little girl. His wife died the first spring, and he married
Susanna, widow of Wil1iam
White and mother of Peregrine, the first white child born in New
England. Winslow was the ambassador to
the Indians for the colonists, and also to the king. His famous
visit to Massasoit, the Great Sachem of the Wampanoags,
has become a part of history. He settled in Marshfield, on a farm
since owned by Daniel Webster. He was
several times governor of Plymouth Colony, and always faithful to her interests. In 1654, he was appointed by
Cromwell, commissioner of a military expedition against the Spanish
powers in the West Indies. While on this trip, he died and was
buried at sea, May 8, 1655.
In Pilgrim Hall, may be seen a portrait of Gov. Edward Winslow, the only authentic original portrait of the Mayflower company. It was painted in England, five years before his death, and portrays a gentleman of culture and refinement, of firm moral character and high intellectual attainment. In Pilgrim Hall are many other relics said to have been brought by him in the Mayflower.
Two other paintings, one of his son, Gov. Josiah Winslow, and a grandson, Gen. John Winslow, can also be seen there.
Elder Brewster was born at Scrooby, in Nottinghampshire, Eng., in 1560, at the Manor Hall of the village. Scrooby Manor was an ancient possession and occasional residence of the Archbishop of York. He was educated at Cambridge College, and afterward became confidential friend of William Davison, Queen Elizabeth's secretary, with whom he visited Holland, and became familiar with the lives and surroundings of royalty. He was possessed of an ample fortune, which enabled him to live in a style befitting his station. He was for several years post-master at Scrooby, a position of great responsibility in those days.
Espousing the Puritan faith, he was
subjected to persecution, and at one time imprisoned. The
Separatist church at Scrooby was begun in 1606,
with William Brewster, Elder, Richard Clifton and John Robinson, pastor
and teacher. Here, at the large Manor Hall, Brewster entertained
the despised adherents of this sect, and from here he fled to Hofland,
in 1607, where he became a teacher of the English language, and a
publisher of religious books, especially those advancing the doctrines
of the "Independent church, or the "Separatists," as they were called.
He was a faithful co-worker with Pastor
Robinson in the Leyden church.
In the year 1619, the British government requested that Brewster be
handed over to them for trial on the charge
of selling his prohibited books in England. An attempt was made to
arrest him, but he escaped and went to London, where he remained until
the sailing of the Mayfiower.
He was the oldest member of the Pilgrim Band, being about sixty at that
time. For twenty-four years he served the infant colony in the capacity
of elder; for several years acting as preacher as well. He was their
spiritual staff through all the sad and trying scenes of the early days of the colony, by his cheerful spirit and
firm faith in God, upholding the weak, comforting the sick and dying,
and probably speaking a word of exhortation or promise at the grave of
the dead. No funeral sermon was preachcd by the Puritans, or prayer
offered. The burial was silent. Prayer at funerals
in New England was first offered in
Elder Brewster early settled in Duxbury, near Captain Standish. His
wife died here in 1627. He died in 1644, and his son Love succeeded to
the homestead. The first apple tree in New England is said to have been
planted by Elder Brewster, on this farm.
The celebrated captain of the Pilgrims was born in Lancashire, Eng. He
entered the service of Queen Elizabeth as a soldier, and took part in
the war of the Netherlands. At the end of that war, he settled in
Leyden, among the English refugees, and, with them, embarked in 1620
for America. He was of small stature, but had a large heart, great powers of endurance, indomitable
courage, and superior military ability, and was always held in great
respect and confidence by the Plymouth colony. It is unnecessary
to recite here his numerous adveritures with the Indians, his military
exploits, or his deeds of valor. These are recorded in history, and
familiar to every boy and girl of New England.
It is well known that he was the first
commissioned military
officer in the New World, and had command of the first military company
here. It has often been said that his judgment and executive ability,
joined to his military powers, many times saved the colony from
destruction. In 1631, he removed to Duxbury, and settled on Captain's
Hill, a high eminence overlooking the harbor and the country for miles
around. On the summit of this hill were built the watch fires that
signalled danger to the early settlers. Here Captain Standish could look across the bay to Plymouth, and, if aught there
was amiss, a warning shot would crash out from the old fort on Burial
hill, which had been built under his directions.
From Newsgroup: soc.genealogy.uk+ireland
Date: Fri, 29 Nov 1996 14:40:52 -0500
Sender: UK and Ireland Genealogy Discussion List
From: Stuart Frederick Moverley
Subject: Mayflower passenger list
This list of the Mayflower passengers is taken from
a plaque on the wall of a building in Plymouth,Devon
near the place where the Mayflower sailed from on
16 September 1620.
John Alden,cooper of Harwich - the first to step ashore.
John Carver,merchant of Doncaster.
Katherine Carver,his wife.
John Howland,manservant of London.
Roger Wilder,manservant.
Desire Minter.
William Latham,servant boy.
Jasper Moore,servant boy.
William Brewster of Scrooby,Nottinghamshire.
Mary Brewster,his wife.
Love Brewster,his son.
Wrasling Brewster,his son.
Richard More,servant boy.
- More,brother of Richard.
Ellen More,servant girl,sister of Richard.
Edward Winslow,printer of Droitwich.
Elizabeth Winslow,his wife.
George Sowle,manservant.
Elias Story,manservant.
William Bradford,fustian maker of Yorkshire.
Dorothy Bradford,his wife.
Issak Allerton,tailor of London.
Mary Allerton,his wife.
Bartholomew Allerton,his son.
Remember and Mary Allerton,his daughters.
John Hooke,servant boy.
Samuell Fuller,sail maker,ships physician and surgeon.
William Butten of Austerfield,his servant;died on the voyage.
Captain Myles Standish of Chorley,Lancashire,soldier.
Rose Standish,his wife.
John Crakston of Colchester and his son John.
Christopher Martin of Great Burstead,Essex.
- Martin,his wife.
Salamon Prower and John Langmore,his servants.
William Mullines of Dorking,Surrey,shopkeeper.
- Mullines,his wife.
Joseph Mullines,his son.
Priscilla Mullines,his daughter.
Robart Carter,his servant.
William White,wool carder and Susanna,his wife.
Resolved White,his son.
Peregrine White,his son - born on board.
William Holbeck,his servant.
Edward Thomson,his servant.
Steven Hopkins of Wotton Under Edge,Gloucestershire.
Elizabeth Hopkins,his wife.
Giles Hopkins,his son.
Constanta Hopkins,his daughter.
Damaris Hopkins,his daughter and Oceanus - born on board.
Edward Doty and Edward Lister,his servants.
Richard Warren of London,merchant.
John Billinton of London.
Elen Billinton,his wife.
John Billinton,his son.
Francis Billinton,his son.
Edward Tillie of London,cloth maker.
Ann Tillie,his wife.
Henery Samson,their cossen,a child.
Humillity Cooper,their cossen,a child.
John Tillie of London,silk worker.
Bridget Tillie,his wife.
Elizabeth Tillie,his daughter.
Francis Cooke of Blyth,wool comber.
John Cooke,his son.
Thomas Rogers,camlet merchant.
Joseph Rogers,his son.
Thomas Tinker,wood sawyer.
- Tinker,his wife.
- Tinker,his son.
John Rigdale of London.
Alic Rigdale,his wife.
James Chilton of Canterbury,tailor.
- Chilton,his wife.
Mary Chilton,his daughter.
Edward Fuller of Redenhall,Norfolk.
- Fuller,his wife.
Samuell Fuller,his son.
John Turner,merchant and his two sons.
Francis Eaton of Bristol,carpenter.
Sarah Eaton,his wife.
Samuell Eaton,his son.
Moyses Fletcher of Sandwich,smith.
John Goodman,linen weaver.
Thomas Williams of Yarmouth,Norfolk.
Digerie Priest of London,hatter.
Edmond Margeson.
Peter Browne of Great Burstead,Essex.
Richard Britterige.
Richard Clarke.
Richard Gardenar of Harwich.
Gilbert Winslow.
John Allerton,mariner.
Thomas English,mariner.
William Trevore,sailor.
Thanks to: Stuart Moverley for this list
See Thayer,
and Cook
for more descendants.
General Society of Mayflower Descendants
---Bibliography (a list of resources used in gathering information for these pages)
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